Page 77 of Ending the Game

When I turn around, Cade St. James stands behind me in sweats and a t-shirt, staring at my feet. “Shoes off the mat, Sinclair.”

“Oh.” I kick my shoes off and pick them up. “Sorry.”

Cade shakes my hand. “Nice to officially meet you. My sister-in-law Lenny speaks very highly of you.”

“Thanks. Lenny’s great. Anybody who can deal with Bash is a saint.”

Hudson laughs behind me as he and Dave climb down from the cage.

Cade eyes me. “Do you know anything about Crucible?”

“Not really. Only what Dec told me.” I’m not sure what else there is to know, but it feels like I’m about to be tested.

“My dad is a retired marine, and this gym was his dream. His baby. He’ll also be the first person to tell you it saved his life.” Cade pulls his hoodie over his head and tosses it to the ground. “He had his own issues when he left the Marine Corps... I think a lot of us can relate to that.”

Dave grunts. “I don’t know if I’d have ever felt like myself again if it wasn’t for this place. When I met you at that party all those years ago, Sinclair, I had life by the balls. An IED changed that. Changed everything. This place... this brotherhood. It helped me when nothing else could.” He shakes his head with a smirk. “You know my sister actually works as a counselor for wounded vets now?”

“No shit? Tiffany’s a counselor?” Jesus. I’d have never thought my ex-girlfriend would want to listen to anyone talk about their lives and their problems.

But I guess we all have to grow up eventually.

Cade opens the octagon door. “You’ve got to find a new mission. A new purpose. That’s where people struggle. And that’s wherewecan help. At least, until you figure out what you want to do.”

Cade, Hudson, and Dave all stare at me for a minute like I’m a flight risk.

“Now, get in here and let’s see what you got.” Cade steps on to the octagon and bounces on his toes. “Hud, wrap his hands. I want to have some fun.”

I’m about to step into the cage with a former heavyweight champion... Not sureI’mgonna call it fun.

* * *

Carys’s car is in the driveway when Declan drops me off later, but I can’t find her anywhere in the house. When I look outside, I see why. She’s bundled under a blanket with her sketchbook in her hands and a white mug with a tea bag hanging out of it next to her.

She turns her head when she hears the door shut behind me, and a beautiful smile graces her lips.

There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make her smile.


“Do I tell you enough how beautiful you are, baby?” I sit on the foot of the lounge chair and run my hands up her legs.

She leans over, pecking my lips. “You show me every day, Coop.” She leans back and picks up her tea, then holds it in both hands, probably for the warmth. “How did today go? Where was this mysterious destination of Declan’s?”

“A gym called Crucible.”

“Oh, Cade’s place. Maddie started teaching yoga there last month.” She stretches her legs across my lap and throws the blanket over both of us. “So, how was it?”

“It was good. I’m going back tomorrow.” Her green eyes light up. “It felt good to be in that cage. The physical outlet... not having to think for a while. It helped. Hudson asked if I wanted to help with his training camp for his next fight.” I was surprised by the offer but liked the idea.

“And? Will you?” She climbs into my lap and wraps the blanket around us.

“Yeah. For now. I told him I’d help until I found a job.” Until I find a new purpose. “But it wasn’t just that.” I lean us both back against the chair and wait until Carys gets comfortable. “Cade’s a retired marine. He’s been through it and knows what it takes to get to the other side. And he has a program for vets. I actually knew one of the guys who was there this morning. He’s a former SEAL. I dated his sister in high school.”

“Tiffany?” Carys leans up, curious. “I remember her. What’s she up to now?”

“She’s a counselor who works with wounded vets.” Carys huffs as she lays back down, and I smile. “Don’t worry. I’m not calling her to talk about any of this shit. It would be a little too weird for me, but her brother, Dave, gave me the name and number of the counselor he talks to.”

She presses her lips to my jaw. “Yeah?”