I’m sure Mom and Coach will fill the family in, so I drop down onto the outdoor sectional and pull my knees up to my chest to text the girls.
Carys:Sorry for not calling you all. Coop and I are exhausted, but we’re okay.
Chloe:Don’t apologize.
Daphne:You’re coming home tomorrow, right?
Carys:Yeah. We’ll be home sometime tomorrow afternoon. Can you tell Max thank you for sending the jet? He didn’t have to do that.
Daphne:Yes, he did, if he ever wanted to sleep next to me again. I’d be on it now if he didn’t convince me that you might want some space.
Maddie:Do you need anything?
Carys:Yeah. A place to stay that isn’t a few rooms down from our parents.
Maddie:You could always move in with me and my brother now that D moved out.
Daphne:I have a better idea. Hudson just bought some property at Kroydon Falls. It has three houses on adjoining properties. He’s been rehabbing the one he’s going to live in.
Chloe:Hudson Kingston is knocking down walls with his bare hands? Where can I watch this happening? That’s got to be better than porn.
Daphne:Ew. It’s more like he’s paying someone to do it for him.
Maddie:I second Chloe. That’s got to be better than porn.
Carys:I miss you guys!
Daphne:Anyhoo, there’s nothing wrong with the other two houses. He just hasn’t decided if he wants to sell or rent them out. I can ask him if you could rent one while you’re figuring out what you’re doing.
Carys:That would be perfect, D. Would you mind checking with Hudson?
Chloe:You know your room here is still yours, right?
Carys:I do, and I love you for it! I just think we might need some space to ourselves when we get home.
Chloe:Fine. I guess that makes sense.
Carys:I’ll message when we get home tomorrow.
It’s hard to be in this yard and not think about the times we all spent here. Trick and Wanda by the grill. Linc and Em holed up in his room. Ford in the ocean on his surfboard. And Axel torturing me about our nonexistent future children. It feels like a lifetime ago and yesterday, all at once.
Cooper calls out my name, like he’s being chased by the hounds of hell.
I don’t take two steps before he flies through the back door, terrified, and wraps his arms around me. “Jesus. I didn’t know where you were.”
This man. This stubborn man, who swears he’s okay, buries his face in my hair and runs his hands over my body, like he’s making sure I’m real. Making sure I’m whole. This incredible, strong, amazing man, who I love more than anything in this world, doesn’t realize just how hard the crash is going to be when everything that happened today hits him and he finally processes that.
The thoughts choke the breath from my body as realization dawns.
When I was faced with dealing with an overwhelming trauma, I pushed him away.
I tighten my hold on his back and kiss his neck.
“I’m right here, Coop. I’m safe. And I’m not going anywhere.”
It takesway too long for my heart to slow down after not being able to find Carys.
Part of me recognizes my reaction was over-the-top.