Page 42 of Ending the Game

“She’s perfect, Emerson.” Aiden gives the baby back to Em, then smiles at me. It’s not his normal over-the-top smile, but it’s a start. “Hey, Care Bear.”

“Hey.” I stretch up on my toes and kiss his cheek.

Aiden picks up the two take-out bags from the Italian place down the street and holds them up for me. “Hope you’re in the mood for pasta. I wasn’t sure what everyone wanted, so I got a little bit of everything.”

“Thanks.” I take one from him and start emptying it on the kitchen island. “Em, could you let Cooper know Aiden’s here, please?”

“Guess that answers my first question.” Aiden grinds his teeth, and I sigh.

“And what question is that?” I ask, already annoyed and readying for the confrontation I know is coming, while I continue emptying both take-out bags.

Aiden opens the containers, then starts opening drawers and slamming them shut as he looks for silverware. Once he finds what he’s looking for, he lifts his head. “Whether or not you and Cooper are together.”

“If you have a question, ask it.” I ignore the rest of his mini-tantrum as I grab a stack of plates and put them next to the food. “Do you want something to drink?”

“Water’s fine.” He helps himself to a bottle from the fridge, then glares as Rook and Cooper enter the room.

Em stands next to me, and I tickle Elodie’s chubby little legs. “Want me to take her so you can eat something?” I ask, hoping to avoid the conversation from hell I’m about to have.

“Nope.” She hip-checks me. “Why don’t you three take your plates outside for privacy. Rook and I can stay in here.”

Rook offers Aiden his hand. “Rook.”

“Aiden. Nice to meet you.” They shake, and Aiden fills his plate, then hands it to me. “Mom said you’ve lost too much weight and need to eat.”

I refuse to take it from him. “Mom’s insane, and I don’t ever eat that much. I can make my own plate, thanks.” I pick up a plate and hand it to Cooper before getting one for myself. Thick waves of tension radiate off all of us. “Does anyone want wine?”

Aiden and Cooper both answer no.

“More for me.” I pour myself a glass of red and take it and my plate out on to the porch, half expecting Cooper to say it’s not safe. But he doesn’t. He just follows me out, his eyes alert and assessing.

The three of us sit down around the table without anyone saying a word.

Oh, what the hell...

“So how was your flight?” Great. I’ve been reduced to small talk with my brother.

Aiden puts his fork down, his gaze locked on me. “How long have you two been together?”

“Guess we’re getting right to it then?” I take a sip of my wine, planning to answer, but Cooper beats me to it.

“A year and a half.” Coop hasn’t touched his plate. He sits, staring at Aiden. Alpha male energy out in full force. It’s like watching two male gorillas circle each other at the zoo.

This is so not going to go well.

Aiden’s posture straightens. “Eighteen months and you never thought to tell me?” His question is directed at Cooper... until his eyes swing to me. “Either of you?”

“That was my fault,” I admit.

“It was not,” Cooper deflects the attention from me. “We’re adults, Murph. We made the decision we thought was right for us. We didn’t want to involve any of you until we were ready. It might not have been the right thing for you, but it was the right thing for us.”

Aiden looks up to the sky and blows out a breath, then nails us with his anger. “You’re full of shit. You and I both know it.”

“Aiden...” I stop him, but he ignores me and keeps his focus on Cooper.

“You’re a hypocrite. All these years of busting Brady’s balls for being with Nattie, and we all laughed about it. But at least he did that to your face. He didn’t hide it. He didn’t disrespect you or Nattie. You’re worse than a hypocrite because Brady respected you enough to ask for permission to date your sister. He kept it all out in the open. You didn’t even respect Carys enough to do that.”

I throw my napkin on the table and slap my palm against it. “What is wrong with you? I’m a grown woman. No man needs to ask my brother for permission to date me, Aiden James. And he respected me so much that he respectedmy wishesand didn’t tell you. That was my choice. Not his.”