Page 37 of Ending the Game

What the actual fuck?

“Yeah, I know him. Why are you looking for him?” I open the gate and take a step forward, towering over him, and cross my arms over my chest, flexing. Not sure why I feel the need to intimidate a kid, but something about this isn’t right.

“Good.” He pulls a crumbled-up envelope from his pocket and hands it to me. “Can you give this to him?” He takes a step back, then pivots to run, but he can’t before I grab his shoulder.

“What the fuck is this?” I demand, my fury building without even looking at the contents. This is not good.

The kid tries to break my hold, but he’s got no chance. “Some guy paid me fifty bucks to give that to you. He said I needed to put it in Cooper Sinclair’s hand. Then he said you’d never admit it was you, just that you knew him. Dude, I don’t want to get hurt. So, take it or don’t. I don’t give a shit if you’re him. Just let me go.” He jerks back, and I drop my hold, then watch him land on his ass in the sand.

“Get the fuck out of here and get a real job.” The kid runs away, kicking sand up all around him, and I rip open the blank envelope. There’s a single picture inside. It’s of Carys, standing on her balcony last night with that damn shirt falling off her shoulder. The time stamp in the bottom corner is printed on it in blue, reading 2:17 a.m.

I flip it over and read the message printed in messy handwriting across the back.

Give me back what’s mine before I take what’s yours.

My stomach bottoms out as I look around.

I’m going to kill him.

Emersonand I stare at Jessie, who’s sitting on the floor, legs crossed, as she puts together a baby swing like she’s done it a million times.

“You know you’re strangely good at that, Jess.” Emerson’s milk has come in, so she’s decided to try to nurse Elodie. She’s currently lying on her side with her gigantic boob out while Elodie gets milk drunk. Her little eyes are heavy-lidded while her tiny fingers are wrapped around one of Em’s. When Em looks up at me, she laughs. “What are you staring at, CC?”

“Seriously?” I tease her. “Your boobs are massive. They’re bigger than Elodie’s head.”

“Don’t be jealous, sister. They hurt like hell. That’s why I’m nursing. I never thought I’d want to do this. It’s strange. I sorta feel like a cow, but...” She looks down at her beautiful baby. “I kinda love it.”

Emerson jerks her head toward Jessie when she sniffles. “What the hell, Jess? I’m the one who’s supposed to be hormonal and crying, not you.”

Jessie makes a noise that falls somewhere between a sob and a snort, then hides her face in her hands, laughing... I think.

“Oh my God. What was that?” I grab a pillow from the couch and toss it across the room at her.

Jessie catches it with ease, then holds it against her chest. “Sorry. I’m a mess.” She’s quiet for a moment, then smiles. “Ford and I didn’t want to say anything until we were out of the first trimester. But I hit thirteen weeks a few days ago. So, I guess,surprise. I’m pregnant.”

Emerson and I both squeal, and I jump off the couch to hug Jessie.

Elodie doesn’t like the interruption and squawks like a baby bird, to make sure we all know she’s unhappy about being disturbed, before Em lifts her to her shoulder to burp her.

“I’m so happy for you guys, Jess.” We sway from side to side as we hug.

“Really?” she asks with a sadness to her voice.

Wow. What kind of friend am I that she even has to question that? “Yes. Really. This is fantastic news.” I squeeze her. “Another baby to love.”

A few months ago, it would have been harder news to handle.

Hell, it was harder news when my entire family decided being pregnant together was a fabulous thing. But I was never... not for one single moment, not happy for them.

Life has kicked my ass a little since then.

Priorities changed.

Just then, Rook comes out of the basement, where Ford, Cooper, and he have been hiding for the last hour.

Not sure if they’re plotting world domination or figuring out how to kick Axel’s ass, but something had Cooper worked up earlier.

Rook’s eyes bug out of his head as he looks from a hugging Jess and me over to Emerson’s giant boobs before averting his eyes and, I’m pretty sure, blushing. “I just wanted to grab a drink.” He points toward the kitchen.