Page 32 of Ending the Game


That was the best night’s sleep I’ve had in months, and I have absolutely no doubt why. Even if the man himself is already up and out of bed.

I slide my hand across the cool sheets, wondering how long he’s been awake and where he is. Just then, the door to my bathroom opens, and steam billows into the room, answering my question.

Cooper steps through next, with one of my pale-pink, fluffy towels wrapped around his waist. His hair is wet, and a single droplet travels down his muscular chest and over the indents of his abs like I wish I could do with my tongue.

Holy hell. When was the last time I had an orgasm?

Because I think I’m about to spontaneously combust.

“See something you like, Carys?”

I slowly drag my eyes back up his body and sit up. “Nope. Not really.”

“Okay then.” He grabs his boxers from his bag and pulls them up his legs, before letting the towel drop, then snaps the waistband against his skin. “You want to head to the hospital soon?”

I desperately want to kiss the smirk off his smug face but remind myself two can play this game. With a plan in place, I hop off the bed. “Yup. Just let me shower first.” I turn my back to Cooper and pull my shirt over my head, leaving me clad in only my red-plaid cheeky panties. My hair hangs down, brushing against my shoulder blades as I turn just my head and toss him my shirt. It smacks him in the face and falls to the floor as he stands there, staring, while I walk into the bathroom.

A strangled groan sounds from the other side of the door as I close it.

I can’t help but be the one smirking now.

I’d say that’s one point to me.

Well,that fucking backfired.

I’m on edge, watching the curves of Carys’s body before she disappears through the bathroom door. The dimples above her ass wink at me as she goes.Damn. She’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. She always will be.

When the door clicks shut behind her, I finish getting dressed and head for the kitchen, needing a jolt of caffeine and maybe another cold shower.

It’s hard to believe we slept as late as we did.

It’s almost noon, but I guess we needed it.

I know I did.

Why does everything look different after a solid night’s sleep?

Once I figure out the fancy-ass coffee maker, I stand there, staring at it while it brews, as if I could make the damn thing work faster. This shiny silver equipment probably cost more than some people’s car payments but was still grinding the coffee beans after what felt like a century passed.

I blame my twin sister for my coffee addiction.

I’ve just poured a cup when the front door opens, and Emerson walks through it, with Rook holding the baby in a car seat behind her. “Uh... hey guys. I didn’t know you were coming home this morning.”

Emerson doesn’t say anything as she walks into the kitchen and grabs the coffee out of my hands before drinking half of it. “They don’t let you sleep in that stupid place. Every time Elodie would sleep, a nurse would come in to check on me and wake her up. I can’t take it anymore. I’m done. I need a gallon of coffee and forty-eight hours of sleep.” She thinks about that for a second, then adds, “Maybe not in that order.”

Then she walks away.

Specifically, up the damn stairs, while Rook and I stand in place, not sure what just happened.

As if on cue, the tiny little human in the carrier stretches small arms—covered in long white sleeves with pink polka dots and weird-looking little mitten things—over her head. She lets out a wail I wouldn’t think could come out of something that small.

Rook drops the overnight bag from his shoulder to the floor and swings the carrier on top of the island between the two of us as we stare at the crying baby. She sounds like a baby dinosaur. And trust me, thanks to my sister-in-law’s little brother, I know exactly what that sounds like.

Carys flies into the room. “What the hell is wrong with you two?” She unstraps Elodie from the torture device she’s in and brings her up to her shoulder as she sways back and forth, shushing her gently. “Where’s Emerson?”

I don’t answer, so she turns to Rook. “Did you bring her home?”