Page 26 of Ending the Game

If I tell her the truth about Germany, we’re going to have to talk about everything... including my discharge. And that wound is still way too raw to pick at yet.

I also don’t know if I’m ready to fight a fight on two fronts now.

As I lay on this couch, knowing she’s upstairs alone in her bed, every muscle in my body revolts. I want to go back up there and show her all the ways she’s mine. All the reasons she was wrong to give up on us. To give up on me. But I don’t.

One thing at a time. And the bigger issue right now is Axel.

* * *

The front door opening has me jackknifing up from the couch, with my Glock in my hand, and coming face-to-face with a now-scared-shitless woman.

“Holy shit.” She drops to the floor.

“What the fuck, Sinclair?” Jack storms in. “Why do you have a fucking gun in my house?” he roars.

I tuck the gun in the back of my jeans as Carys comes flying down the stairs.

I swear to God, this girl would run toward danger instead of away from it.

“Sorry.” I put my hands in the air to show Jack they’re empty, while Theo helps the small redhead up. She’s shaking, and for a moment, I feel like a fucking dick.

That is until Carys stands next to me, and I get my first good look at her. She must have thrown the sweatshirt from earlier on before she ran down here. It grazes the tops of her bare thighs, swallowing her entirely.

And. It’s. Jack’s.

Fuck me, I can’t help the possessive rage that fills me at seeing another man’s shirt on her beautiful body.

I tamp down the raging energy that’s ready to explode at seeing her nearly naked in another man’s clothes and turn my glare to her. “Everything’s fine.” My eyes trail up her beautiful bare legs, not stopping until I get to her frightened face. “It’s fine.”

Theo escorts the little redhead to the basement as Jack moves across the room, big-dick energy in full force. Problem for him is I’m the bigger dick.

“What the fuck was that, Sinclair?” He crosses his arms over his chest, and I’ve got to give him credit because he’s not backing down.

“We’ve got a problem, and I need to make sure it doesn’t touch Carys.” I leave the rest unsaid, and Jack stares hard until he turns toward her.

“Are you okay?” His voice softens as he runs his hands over her arms, and I want to rip them from his body and beat him to death with them.

She nods. “Nothing for you to worry about. I’m going to throw some clothes on and then come down to the studio. You owe me a preview of your set, remember?” Her smile is forced until she grabs my hand and squeezes. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

When she’s out of sight, Jack drops his arms and moves into the kitchen. He pulls two beers from the fridge and offers me one.

“No thanks.” I don’t tell him my head’s still fucked up from the concussion, and the last thing I need is to make it worse.

“Want to tell me what’s going on and why you have a gun in my house? Is my sister in danger?” He glares, but I get it. I’d kill someone if they threatened Nattie.

“I don’t know. Some stuff went down on our last op, and the team is going to be all over Emerson and Carys until we figure it out.” It’s the best I can do with what I can tell him.

“Do I need to cancel the band’s tour? We’re gone for two weeks.”

“No. You’re better off out of here and away from this shit. It’s less for us to worry about and keep our eyes open for. It lets us focus on keeping the girls safe while this shit gets handled. Doesn’t split focus by having more people in the house.” The more people here, the bigger the chance of mistakes and the higher the risk to everyone.

“I don’t like this, Sinclair.” Jack pushes his hand through his hair as he blows out a frustrated breath. “This is my sister. I think I should take her somewhere else. Somewhere safe.”

“You can’t bring a new baby on tour with you, Jack. And she’s going to be safer here with Rook, Ford, and me looking after her than she would be anywhere you can take her. I can’t tell you more than that. But know that Linc was my brother. And that makes Emerson and Elodie family. I’d fucking die before I let anything happen to them.” I make sure he’s getting what I’m saying because I mean every word. “We all would.”

“I swear to fucking God, Sinclair, if anything...anythinghappens to them, I’ll kill you myself.”

I choose not to tell him that I’d like to see him try.