Page 53 of Broken King

No matterhow vain you try not to admit you are, when a sexy man is about to walk through your door, you can’t help but do a last-minute check to make sure everything’s in place. At least that’s what I tell myself as I tug my bra up just a little bit, then reach into the wrap dress I’m wearing and tug my boobs up too. The girls are getting bigger already, and I need to make some time to get new bras in a larger size. I just haven’t had the energy to do anything after work this past week.

Once everything is sitting nice and perky where it’s supposed to be, I smooth my hands over my hair just before the knock sounds at the door and Connor opens it for Cade to walk through.

Normally sweatpants do nothing for me.

They look sloppy.

Like someone threw them on with no thought about how they’d appear in public.

Adeline never allowed Max, Becket, or me to wear sweatpants.

She’d have had a fit.

Sweats on Cade St. James could never look sloppy.

No. Not when he fills them out perfectly, leaving very little to the imagination.

And I’ve had quite an imagination since the last time we were together.

He’s wearing a short-sleeved, black Crucible t-shirt that stretches tightly over his muscled chest and around his bulky biceps today.

It’s showcasing every muscle he has and then some.

And that combination of the tight shirt and the loose sweats is potent.

I should have known if anyone would pull off this look, it’d be Cade.

Now, that’s how you look put together in a pair of grey sweats.

I may have spent this last week more exhausted than I thought I could ever be, but I’ve also spent it wearing out my vibrator while I thought about the man who’s currently standing at my door with a bag in one hand and a cup carrier from Bagliani’s in the other. A mix of memories and fantasies played out in my mind all week.

Callused hands on my hot skin.

Strong lips controlling mine.

Teeth scraping against my breast.

Leaving me to wonder if the memory was doing justice to the night or if I was viewing it through rose-colored glasses every time I’ve tried to make myself come. “Try” being the keyword. I haven’t been able to come since that night. It’s as if my body rejects the idea of doing this alone when what it wants is within reach.

Stupid pregnancy hormones.

Pulling myself together, I pop up from my desk and dart around it. The scent of garlic and balsamic vinegar teases my nose, and my stomach growls in response. “Oh, my. Please tell me there’s a salad from Bagliani’s in there. Please, please, please. I’m starving.”

Cade chuckles, a deep throaty laugh that vibrates through my entire body, and hands me the bag. “There is. There’s a few garlic knots in there too.” He takes the cup carrier and pulls out one of the teas. “Unsweetened iced tea. No lemon.” He pushes a paper straw through the lid and then hands me the cup before moving across my office and sitting down on the white leather sofa situated under the windows overlooking the stadium.

Cade stares at me, waiting. “Sit down, Scarlet. Eat while you have time.”

I should be bristling at being told what to do, but for once, it’s nice not to have to think.

I’ve done nothing but think all week.

Making decision after decision.

Putting out fire after fire.

Finalizing the acquisition.

Instead of telling him any of that, I sit next to him on the couch and place the salad on the table. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this lovely lunch, Cade?” I wrap my lips around the straw and sip my tea.