Page 46 of Broken King


“You’ve got to come clean to Becket.”


Once I leave Rylie’s house, I check in with Imogen to make sure Brynlee’s set, then text Becks.

Cade:Hey can I have Scarlet’s address?

Becks:Is she going to kick me in the balls the next time I see her?

Cade:Why would she do that?

Becks:Why are you asking me for her address instead of asking her?

Becks:And if you two are so close, why don’t you know it already?

Becks:Should I be worried you’re a stalker?

Cade:No dumbass. Rylie made some soup for Scarlet. I want to stop by and surprise her with it.

Cade: Kinda loses the surprise if I ask her where she lives first.

Becks:Well I wouldn’t stop by now.


Becks:Because she’s not there. She’s in her office. I saw her five minutes ago.

Becks:Us corporate dumbasses are usually in the office until five or six.

Becks:Scarlet rarely leaves before seven.

Cade:Can you send me her address anyway?

The dots start and stop a few times before Becks shoots off her address.

Cade:Thanks, man.

Becks:Don’t make me regret it.

With a plan in place and my mind made up, I head back to Crucible.

If she needs space, I’ll give her what she needs.

For now.