The door swingsshut behind me, and I speed up. If trying to keep my composure instead of killing my brother was one of the most difficult things I’ve done in my life, walking calmly out of Crucible with my head held high rather than high-tailing it to my car definitely comes in as a close second. But no one is out here to see me fall apart now.
Thank God for small favors.
“Scarlet, stop.” My spine straightens at the command yelled across the parking lot.
So close to escape.
And double damnit. Feeling like I have to escape is pissing me off even more than I already was.
Knowing I needed to talk to Cade and actually coming here to do it were two very different things. All week, I knew what had to be done. And I’m far from a procrastinator. I live for the satisfaction I get when I check things off my to-do list. But telling this man, who I thought I loved a lifetime ago, that I’m pregnant with his child, after one single night together in Vegas... a night I ended abruptly, lingered on that list all week.
I may like everyone to think that I’m made of ice, but it’s an artfully crafted façade.
I had a plan.
Come here.
Get Cade to agree to go somewhere for a cup of coffee.
Then tell him, in a somewhat controlled environment, that I was pregnant.
And that he’s welcome to be as involved or uninvolved as he wants.
Either way, I’m keeping the baby and prepared to do this on my own.
Hudson and his big fat mouth did not factor into my plan.
“Scarlet...” Cade’s voice may be softer, but it exudes dominance.
I stare at my car in front of me, not ready to face him. I blame the hormones. Fuckers. “Not now, Cade. I can’t do this now.”
“Not now?” A wild laugh booms into the quiet night. “You came to my gym to drop this in my lap, and now you say ‘not now’? Turn around, Scarlet.”
Any lingering softness is gone.
Replaced by anger.
The anger hurts my heart, but I deserve it after the way I treated him.
I hate that he’s right but still don’t move. “I don’t like orders, Cade.”
“You like them just fine in bed, duchess.” The words are meant to strike, and they hit their mark with precision.
I turn around, purposely tempering my tone, and try a different tactic. “Listen, we’re obviously both upset. And I don’t want to do this in a parking lot. Let’s talk later. Call me when you have time.”
“I have time now.” He moves closer, crowding me. His face is tight, and his tone is demanding. “Tell me. Are you pregnant?”
My head tilts up toward his hardened face. The boy I knew is long gone, replaced by a man I no longer recognize. Anger shines back at me where I’d hope to find understanding, and I think my heart breaks for a second time in front of this man.
At least this time I’m older and better equipped to disguise the hurt.
“Yes.” It was supposed to come out strong. Assured. Powerful.
Instead, it’s a whisper in the wind when it gets caught in my throat, and I force back the tears threatening to break free.
Dark-green eyes stare at me in disbelief as Cade takes a step back, looking like he’s been hit again.