“Take a breath, Max, and tell me who we’re talking about exactly.” I’m fairly certain I’ve been described this way a time or two. Not that I want to mention that to my brother when he sounds like he’s about to burst a blood vessel.
Max groans, and a door slams on his end of the call. “Daphne Brenner.”
“Will’s daughter?”
He grunts in response, and I almost laugh out loud. This entire call is so unlike Max that I feel the need to make sure it’s not really Becket I’m talking to, even though I know it’s not.
“If I said the sky was blue, she’d say it’s green. If I say we need to increase revenue, she throws a piece of paper across my desk showing me we don’t. She’s the most infuriating person I’ve ever met.” The thud of something hitting the wall, or possibly the floor, echoes across the line. “I need an ally.”
“Well, when you paint such a pretty picture, I’ll just jump right in.” I know that’s not what he means, but I’m at a loss for words. “Who are you thinking?”
“Don’t worry. I’m not taking any of your team. I’ve got my eyes on a different King.” His voice trails off as a doorbell sounds in the background.
“Sorry, Scarlet. Thanks for letting me vent. We’ll catch up next week.” He disconnects the call, leaving me to wonder what the hell that was.