Page 96 of Rise of the King

Amelia hasno idea the situation she’s put me in. We just killed this man’s brother, and there’s no way there’s any doubt left in his mind what my biggest weakness is.


What was she thinking leaving that room?

What part of “stay here” did she not understand?

I made a promise to her, and myself, that I’d keep her safe.

So how do I get her the hell out of this situation?

“Why did you come here, Tremblay? What did you think you would accomplish?” I lean back against the desk and cross my arms so my gun is still there, pointed in his face. Meanwhile, this guy looks calm as a fucking cucumber, sitting relaxed in that chair.

He nods his head toward Amelia. “Think you could put that gun down, Anastasia?”

“Nope. You taught me better than that, asshole.” She straightens her stance and keeps her arms held strong. “Why are you here, George?”

“Your boyfriend killed my brother today.”

I knew it was coming but still hoped this wouldn’t have to be discussed in front of Amelia. She might be better equipped to handle this than most women, but that doesn’t mean I want her to know any part of this. I have to give her credit though. She doesn’t give any kind of reaction. No shock. No horror. She remains standing without a single emotion crossing her beautiful face.

Waiting for an explanation.

One she’s not getting from me.

Not now.

Not in front of this man.

“We made a deal this morning. I gave him information, and now he needs to give me Louis’s body.” George shifts, his eyes looking anywhere but at Amelia. “And I decided it was a good time to check in on you, Anastasia.”

“After three fucking years?” I asked, ready to disembowel him for hurting her.

Snow lowers her gun to her side and loosens her stance. “You’ve got to stop calling me that.” Her strong voice softens, giving him what he wanted. “That girl died in Washington. I left her behind. I made a new life. I’d say I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but I don’t know how I feel now. Did you really do it for me? Or did you do it as a way to get rid of me because I was a problem for you? Either way, I don’t care what your business with Sam is.” She briefly turns her head toward me, but her face gives nothing away. “That’s between you and him. And I don’t appreciate you trying to drag me into the middle of it.” She steps in closer to him and waits.

George stands hesitantly from his chair.

I swear to God if he touches her, I’m going to kill him.

Amelia takes one small step forward before she rests her palm on his chest and I flex my fist. “Thank you for teaching me how to take care of myself.” Then, in a move that surprises the hell out of me, she stomps down on his foot before driving her knee into his balls, causing him to double over in pain. Once he’s gasping for breath, she takes the handle of her gun and slams it down into the back of his head, adding, “You taught me well. Now get the hell out of my house.”

This woman was born to be my queen.

With her head held high, she walks slowly out of my office and closes the door behind her.

Gasping for breath, George sits back down on the edge of his seat, groaning in pain, with blood still dripping from the cut on his face.

I can’t figure him out.

“Did you get what you came here for? Did you think she was going to say ‘Thank you’?”

When he’s finally able to look at me, the look of pain is replaced with hostility. He cracks his neck and adjusts himself. “Have you ever loved something you had to set free, Beneventi? It’s not beautiful the way poets make it sound. I loved that girl for most of her life. When I let her go, I thought it was to build a better life than what she had. A safer life. Then you show up in my city, ready to pay off her debt and put yourself at risk for her. She didn’t build a safer life. She flew from one dangerous life to another. Though, in my world, no one knew who she was. She was hidden. By your side, she’ll always be a brightly shining target.”

“Why come here and expose the truth? You had to know she wouldn’t thank you.” Christ, she’s going to be pissed when I get upstairs.

George stands and straightens his coat. “I needed to see for myself that you’d protect her. I needed to know she’d let you. I needed to see she was safe and that she could handle herself the way I taught her to.” He offers me his hand, adding, “I’m sorry for the loss of your father and the part my family played in it. When your uncle called me this morning, I’d like to say I was shocked. But I wasn’t. I wasn’t surprised by Louis’s actions, and I wasn’t surprised your uncle had turned on you. Watch your back, Sam. Family will always cause the most problems.”

“I think that about wraps us up here. I’ll have my men escort you to your brother and then back to your plane. After that, we’ll be good if you stay the fuck out of my city.” I shake his hand, sealing our earlier deal.