Page 92 of Rise of the King

Once the waterbegan to run cold, Snow and I got out of the shower and climbed into bed. She’s lying naked in my arms, and for the first time in my life, I feel like the king everyone has always told me I’d become. Not because of business. Because of the woman in my arms. My fingers trace the ridges of her spine as she lies with her head on my chest.

For so many years, I wondered what my life would look like when I took over control of The Family. It wasn’t until I met this woman that I finally knew what I wanted that life to be. “So, Snow... When I ask, you’ll say yes?”

The hand that had been tracing my tattoo stops. She doesn’t move. Doesn’t look at me. But I’m not worried because this woman is mine. She’s everything, and for two years, I haven’t doubted that she felt the same way. I was just biding my time, waiting for her to be ready.

“I guess you better ask and find out,” is whispered into the dark night.

I kiss the top of her head and skim my hand over the smooth curves of her body. “Guess I’m not finding out tonight then.”

“Sam Beneventi.” She sits up, bringing the sheet with her. Fire colors her chest, moving up her neck and to her face. “That is not a nice thing to do to a woman.”

There’s that spark I love.

There’s the fire.

“I don’t have your ring here. It’s in the condo.” I sit up and take her hand in mine, tracing where my ring will sit. “I can’t ask without a ring.”

“Sam.” The word comes out barely a breath from her lips. “You have a ring? But how? We weren’t even really together before all of this.”

Holding her head in my hands, I kiss her lips. “We’ve been together for two years, Snow. I don’t know how many times I can tell you that you’ve been all I’ve seen since the day we met, but one of these days, you’re going to listen to me, woman. You’ll listen, and you’ll believe it.”

She moves one leg over my hips and straddles my lap, her arms going around my neck. She runs her fingers through my hair and smiles. It’s the smile I want to wake up to every day for the rest of my life. “Ask me, Sam. I don’t need a ring. You’re the one who wants all the formalities. I just want you.” She leans in, so close her breath caresses my lips. “Ask me, Sam.”

I wrap my arms around her back and hold her to me. “Marry me, Amelia.”

“That didn’t sound like a question, Sam.”

I close the inch between us and run my tongue over her lips. “That’s because it wasn’t. Marry me, Amelia. Let me love you. Let me keep you safe. Let me give you a family. You’ll always hold all the real power in this relationship. The whole city will kneel down to me, but I’ll only ever kneel for you. Marry me.”

Her glassy eyes hold mine before she whispers, “You want babies? You want to give me a family?” A lone tear slides down her beautiful face.

“I want to give you everything.”

Amelia rocks back, and I know she’s not oblivious to what she’s doing to me as my cock grows hard, snuggled against her perfect ass. “Amelia,” I warn.

She rocks back again. “Yes, Sam.”

I look up at her, unsure whether she’s answering me or heeding my warning until that smile takes over her entire face.

“Yes, Sam. I’ll marry you,” she murmurs against my lips as her mouth seals over mine.

I wrap an arm around her waist, ready to seal the deal when my cell phone rings.

“I’m naked and in your arms. I just agreed to marry you, Sam Beneventi. Please tell me you’re not going to answer that.”

I lean my forehead against her chest, wishing I didn’t have to. “The ringtone is for the guards, Snow. I have to answer.”

She climbs off my lap and places a kiss on my shoulder blade when I lean away to grab the phone from the nightstand. “What?” I answer and lean back against the headboard.

Snow’s nails skim down over my chest, causing my cock to jump.

“There’s someone here to see you, boss. Says his name is George Tremblay. He says you’ll want to see him. He’s alone.”

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

“Make sure he’s clean. No weapons. Make sure he’s alone. Then bring him to the front door. Wait with him until I get there. I’ll be down in a minute.” I end the call and turn back to Amelia, expecting her to be pissed I took the call. Instead, I’m greeted by a frozen Amelia. She’s as pale as a ghost and staring at me in disbelief.

“Who... Who’s downstairs, Sam?” Her voice shakes as her body trembles.