“You’regonna have to repeat that. Because I’m pretty sure you just told me that my father is Bash’s girlfriend’s dad. Actually, it would be was, right? He’s dead, so it’s was, not is. He was a Kingston. Hell, he was the Kingston.” I watch her, waiting to see actual smoke coming out of her ears before her head explodes, but it never comes. Although her big brown eyes make her look like one of those anime chicks as she stares at me in disbelief.
I wrap my arm around her shoulders, wondering if I should have waited to drop this bomb but knowing it would have been worse if I had. “Snow, I need you to sit down.”
“How am I supposed to sit down, Sam?” Her voice raises an octave. “I can’t sit down. I can’t sit still.”
Dear God, I think dogs would have a hard time listening to the high-pitched squeak that’s coming out of her mouth right now.
“Do you know how often I thought about my dad when I was growing up?” She wiggles out of my hold and blinks up at me like a doll. “I’ll tell you. All. The. Time. I thought about him all the time. I wondered if he’d be handsome. If he’d be kind. If he was secretly a superhero who knew where we were but was too busy saving the world to save us. I used to daydream he would rescue us once he was done. I grew up knowing my mother was scared of everything. I never knew why. I just knew she was. I always thought my dad would come and make it all better. Take care of her. Make her safe. And maybe, just maybe, if he did that, I’d get to have a normal life and real friends.”
John Kingston is lucky he’s dead, or I’d put a bullet in his brain for the hurt I hear in her voice.
When I reach for her, she backs away and wraps her arms protectively around herself. “I don’t know much about John Kingston, but what I do know, I don’t like. I know when he died, he was on his fourth, maybe his fifth wife, and he died cheating on her, right? With a girl who was barely twenty. It was still all over the papers when I moved to Philly.”
“The papers? Who reads the papers?” I laugh, trying to lighten the mood, but the look she shoots my way definitely says I failed. “Take a breath, Snow. It was his fourth wife. The wife was at least twenty-one, so I think the chick he cheated with was at least the same age. Now take a deep breath. I know that him being dead means you’ll never get the father you dreamed about. It doesn’t really sound like you were going to get that out of John Kingston anyway. But if you want, you could get a family. I’ve met Lenny, and she’s great. I know Becket, and he’s a bit of an ass, but we’ve been friends for a long time, and I can tell you he’s a good guy.”
Amelia moves in front of me and drops her head to my chest. “Oh my God, Sam. How many of them are there?”
That’s a good question. “A lot. Seven or eight, I think. It’s a lot to take in, Snow. You don’t need to decide what to do with it tonight. But keep in mind, I found out the night before the bomb. And from what Bash told me, they found out who you are the next morning.” I lift her face, tilting her chin up. “I don’t know how long they’re going to hold off on contacting you. But it sounds like they’ve been looking for you for a long time.”
“What if I’m not ready?” The quiver in her voice has me wanting to destroy the Kingstons.
“Bash said they’ll wait until after the funeral. That gives you at least two days to decide what you want, Snow.” My lips press against her forehead, lingering. “Why don’t we go to bed? You might feel different about all this tomorrow morning.”
Once the lights in the office are off, I guide her back up to my bedroom.
The door closes behind us, and as if on autopilot, she slips out of her leggings and sits down on the bed. “What if I don’t want a family, Sam? What if I just want us? You and me. What if I don’t know how to be a part of a huge family? What if I can’t even handle us?”
“You know, this thing between us might feel new, but we’ve been dancing around it for years, Snow. And you wanna know what’s good about that?” I sit down on the opposite side of the bed and pull her to me, then cover us both with the blanket.
“Even if we both suck at relationships. Even if neither of us has really done this before... it doesn’t matter. Because the foundation we’ve built can withstand fighting. Hell, I fucking love watching you get pissed off. You’re so incredibly sexy when you’re mad, when the fire flames your cheeks. We’re going to fight. We’re going to yell. But at the end of the day, you’re mine, Amelia. You are the strongest woman I’ve ever met. You impress me at every turn. I’ll never let anyone hurt you, including the Kingstons. Take some time. Think it over. Don’t rush this decision.” I run my fingers through her soft hair and close my eyes. “I’ll be right here next to you.”
“Sam.” She curls into me. “We’ve talked about a lot of stuff tonight.”
I stare down at the beauty in my bed and push a lock of hair from her face. “We have. You doing okay?”
Her hand reaches up and caresses my cheek while her teeth worry her pillowy bottom lip. “I’m going to screw this up, Sam. I know I am. But I won’t run. I promise you, I won’t run. I wish I could say I won’t want to, or I won’t think about it, but I can’t. I can only tell you I won’t do it.”
“Fire and ice, right, Snow?” I run my thumb along her lip, tugging it free, and then lean down and suck it between mine.
She lets out the sweetest, softest moan I’ve ever heard as she wraps her hands around my neck. “Sam,” she whispers against my lips. “We didn’t use a condom earlier.”
I pull back and try to read her face but can’t. “Shit, you’re right. I’m sorry, Snow. I wasn’t thinking.” I’ve never done that before. Never not worn a condom. Never been so in the moment I didn’t even think about it.
“I’m clean. But I’m not on the pill.” Her hands go to my boxers, and it fucking kills me to stop her.
“I’m clean too. But I don’t have condoms here.” I lean back and smile. “You know what that means?” The pout on her pretty lips tells me what she’s thinking. “Oh baby, there are other things we can do. Now climb up here and sit on my face.”
“Sam.” She smiles and purses her lips. “You can’t be serious.”
“No exertion, right? Isn’t that what you said earlier?” A flaming red blush creeps up her cheeks. “Now, take off that shirt and get that pretty pussy up here. I’m hungry.”
I’ve dreamed of tasting Amelia for two fucking years, and for a minute, I think she’s going to fight me. I think she’s going to act shy or even scared. But this woman loves proving me wrong. A sexy smile curves her pretty lips as she lifts my t-shirt from her body, then licks her way up my torso and chest and finally, positions her knees on either side of my face.
“Hands on the headboard, Snow. Don’t let go.” Spreading her open, I feast. My tongue runs up the length of her pussy and around her clit, as her body shakes, letting me know just how sensitive she is.
I’m not ready for this to be over before it starts, so I slide back down and dart my tongue inside this gorgeous woman, her taste finally exploding on my tongue.
A taste I’ve been dying to know for years.