Marco broughtme home this morning with just enough time to run upstairs and change before I had to be in the shop and baking. It’s a Tuesday, so I made the mistake of assuming it would be a slow day because it’s usually our slowest day of the week.
You know what they say about assuming...
Today was the absolute opposite of slow.
Lyla and I were slammed from the second we opened the door and throughout the entire morning. Thank goodness, I had Lyla working. When she leaves for her class around noon, I contemplate closing the shop for the day. Maybe just cut the hours back a little this week. I have a new person starting next week to help with the baking. I advertised for the position at the culinary institute and got a few great candidates, but none of them came close to Brooklynn. She’s a senior, and she’s amazing. With a little extra effort, I was able to help her get this approved for internship credits. She’s going to lighten my load.
At least I hope she is.
I wish she was starting this week.
Or even better—last week.
When Annabelle stops by in the afternoon, she’s without the twins. “Hey, where are my favorite girls?”
“I left them at home with Lexi today. I’m a little nervous. It’s the first time I’ve left her alone with the girls since we hired her.” She absentmindedly rubs her baby bump as she stares at the coffee brewing behind me. “Got any fresh decaf?”
“Nope. But I’ll make some for you if you’ve got a minute.” I start the process before she even answers, knowing what she’s going to say.
“How are Bash and Sam doing? Have you seen them?” Belles looks around the shop, her eyes scanning the few random customers taking up the tables. Then she leans in, whispering, “Isn’t that a Kingston over there?”
I look over to the far corner Belles is rolling her eyes toward in her attempt at being nonchalant.
Newsflash, it’s not working.
“Yeah. I think that’s one of the brothers who was at the hospital the other night. He looks younger than Lenny.” I’d noticed him earlier when he came in. The kid doesn’t look much older than eighteen.
Belles leans her arms against the counter. “So, how are Sam and Bash? Nattie said Bash is staying at his dad’s house.”
I pass the steaming cup of decaf across the counter and decide to pour myself one too. Well, maybe a full-caff. I need the boost. “Let’s see. How are Sam and Bash?” I think about that for a hot minute before answering. “They’re annoying. Sam checked himself out of the hospital against doctor’s orders. Then he fired the nurse Dean hired for him. Bash is a little bit of help but seems to take Sam’s side instead of listening to reason. The two of them are driving me nuts.”
I blow on my cup and watch Belle stare in disbelief across my counter.
“What?” What the heck did I say?
“Umm... I didn’t realize things had progressed?” There’s a question mark on the end of that sentence, emphasizing her disbelief.
“I guess you could say that. I stayed at the compound Sunday night, then again last night.” I point my cup toward Marco. “That’s my driver slash bodyguard for the day.”
Belle’s smile grows as she leans in closer. “Are you going back tonight?”
I mimic her stance. “Why are we whispering? This is my shop.”
“I don’t know. It seemed like it should be whispered.” When I start to laugh at her, she chews her bottom lip. “Whatever. Are you?” Her annoyed eyes go wide with excitement. “Oh my God. Where did you sleep, Amelia? I mean the poor guy just had surgery. You better be delicate with all that sexy man.”
I throw my rag across the counter at her. “Shut up. There is none of that happening. He’s pushing himself way too hard already. I’m not even thinking about that. I doubt he is either.”
She gasps in horror. “Oh, honey. He is. I know he just lost his dad, and he’s gone through hell in the last few days, but I guarantee he’s still thinking about it. You’re gorgeous. You’re sexy. You always smell like coffee and cookies. And Sam Beneventi is crushing on you. He’s definitely thinking about it.”
“Crushing on me? Seriously, Belles? What are we, ten?”
Belle’s phone rings, and I swear to God, I don’t know how she finds anything in that Mary Poppins bag of hers. “Crap. It’s Lexi.” She looks back up at me. “I gotta go. Call me if you need anything.”
I watch her leave and scan the shop, noticing that it’s cleared out. “Looks like it’s just you and me, Marco. I think I’m going to close early. Do you want to wait down here while I go upstairs and grab some clothes to bring with me back to the compound?”
“No, ma’am. I go where you go.” He gathers his things and his trash, then goes above and beyond and helps me close up the shop.
* * *