That night after dinner,Amelia, Bash, and I are sitting in the kitchen, going over the plan for tomorrow when Bash’s phone vibrates with an incoming text right before he walks out of the room, grumbling, “Fuck” as he goes.
“Well, that doesn’t sound good.” Snow refills her wine glass, but I pull it away before she can take a sip. “Sam,” she scolds. “You’re not supposed to have alcohol with your medication.”
She’s so fucking sexy when she’s bossy. After a hearty gulp, I push it back in front of her. “A little won’t hurt, Snow.”
She cocks her head and smiles condescendingly. Suddenly, a feminine voice I’m not in the mood to hear speaks, bringing an end to the first few moments of peace I’ve had all day.
“I don’t care, Bash. I need to hear it from Sam. Where is he?”
Emma Sabatini pushes her way into the kitchen, followed by Sebastian. She has on a hot pink hoodie with the hood pulled up, hiding half her mascara-stained face. This can’t be good.
“What the hell happened to you?” I ask, not sure I actually want to know the answer.
Emma drops the hood down, revealing the beginning of a nasty bruise forming on her cheek. She shoves her hands in her pockets and stares at the woman sitting next to me. For once, I understand Emma’s reticence.
We’re taught to not trust outsiders.
Amelia looks between the three of us before she turns to me. “I’m going to go upstairs and make sure I have everything I need for tomorrow.” She finishes her glass of wine and grins wryly at me.
This woman is getting her ass spanked tonight.
My hand grabs hers as she turns away. “I’ll be up in a few minutes.”
Emma watches Amelia leave the room before speaking, “Tell me this farce is over tomorrow, Sam. Tell me everything we did worked, and you’re still planning on ending it tomorrow.”
When I stare at her without answering, she continues, “Because if you don’t end this, I will. And I’m way too pretty for jail, Sam.” Emma grabs the bottle of red wine off the table and takes a swig. “He’s controlled me long enough. I’m done.”
“Emma.” Bash holds a bag of frozen peas to her face before she replaces his hand with hers.
“I did everything you guys asked. I gave you everything. Now get me out of this. He hit me because I said I didn’t want to sit with Bash tomorrow at the church. I didn’t want to ride with you guys. He said I had to. How dare I ask him why. It’s not like the engagement was announced, so I don’t see why I have to be up there with you. I’m over this. I’m done putting on a show.”
Bash wraps an arm around her shoulder. “Is this the first time he’s hit you?”
She squirms out of his hold, offended by his coddling. That’s not Emma Sabatini’s style. “No. It’s not the first time, but I swear to God, it’s gonna be the last.”
“Emma,” I recapture her focus. “This will be over tomorrow. I give you my word.”
A lone tear spills over her cheek. “He’s evil, Sam.”
“So am I.”
* * *
When I walk into my bedroom after leaving Bash to deal with Emma, it’s to find Amelia in those damn cheeky panties and another one of my t-shirts, packing a bag. “What are you doing?” I step behind her and move the hair away from her neck so I can taste the soft skin behind her ear.
“I’m packing, Sam. I need to go home so I can get ready for the funeral tomorrow.” She balls up one of my t-shirts and throws it in her bag. “I can’t stay here forever. This isn’t my home.”
“Hell, Snow, it’s not even my home. It hasn’t been for ten years. But having you here with me makes it feel like it could be. You can’t leave.” I spin her around in my arms and cup her face.
Her hands grip the tie hanging loosely around my neck. “We sort of fell into all this just this week, Sam. Your dad died. You were hurt, and I was here. The adrenaline was running high, and our emotions were running even higher. But that can’t be an excuse. I don’t want to do this with you because it’s convenient.”
“That’s bullshit, and you know it. None of this was an excuse. It wasn’t fucking convenient. We were on our way to this the day before the bomb. We were on our way to this for years, Amelia. We were on our way to this the first goddamn night we met, and I promised to keep you safe. I don’t make anyone promises. But you were different from day fucking one. You’re mine, no matter what your name is. No matter where you live. You’re mine, Snow. And as soon as you let me, I’m going to put a ring on your finger and give you a last name you’ll never need to outrun.”
She sucks in a sharp breath. “Sam...”
“You don’t want to live here, no problem. We’ll find a different place to live. I don’t care as long as you’re there with me. There are so many things in my life I’m not going to be able to share with you. But my heart, my home... they’re yours. They’re only yours. Unconditionally.”
She tugs my tie, pulling me closer, her warm breath skimming over my lips. “You say the prettiest things, Sam Beneventi.” Her head tips back, her black hair spilling over her shoulders. “I love you, Sam. This wasn’t me running away. We just need to figure out what we’re doing. And we don’t need to do that tonight. I wasn’t trying to pressure you into anything. I just know that tomorrow is a big day, and you’re going to have your hands full. I don’t want you worrying about me too. But I’ll go home in the morning, then catch a ride with Belle and Declan to the church. I’ve already arranged it with Marco. He’s bringing me home early tomorrow so I can get the shop set up before I go to the church.” She leans up on her tiptoes and kisses my bottom lip.