Page 56 of Rise of the King

When I walk through the front door of the compound, I’m met by the delicious smell of garlic and onions as well as the deep timbre of Sam’s voice yelling.

“Fucking find him. He’s not invisible. He didn’t fucking disappear into thin air. Find. Him.”

As I walk further into the house, I see a few of Sam’s men walking by. Nonna is in the kitchen, in front of the stove. “Hi, Nonna. I brought you white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.” I place the pink box on the counter and kiss her offered cheek. “Is Sam in the office?”

“Yes. He’s so much like his father, that boy. You may want to take some cookies in with you. He’s barely eaten today.” She pulls one out of the box, then pushes the rest my way.

A moment later, when I knock on the office door, I’m expecting Sam to be alone. Not for Bash and a woman I don’t know to be standing inside. As I step across the threshold, Bash takes the beautiful brunette by the hand and pulls her toward the door. “Hey, Amelia. See you later.”

He ushers the gorgeous woman out of the room while she stares at me like I’m a freakish circus act. “Aren’t you going to introduce me, Sebastian?”

“No,” is all the answer he gives her before shutting the door behind him.

I drink Sam in, sitting in the same spot where he sat the entire day before. The sweats from yesterday are long gone. In their place is Sam’s usual custom-cut black suit, a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up his forearms with muscles straining against his skin. If it weren’t for the stitches above his eye, or the scrapes and burns I’ve seen covering his body, I wouldn’t know he’d been through hell. “Hey.” I place the cookies in front of him and sit down in the oversized leather chair on the opposite side of the desk from this beautiful killer.

I’m not sure what triggers that thought.

Not sure why I have it now.

It’s not even meant in a judging way.

Who am I to judge him when I spent my life training for the same thing?

Sam peeks inside the pink box, his lips turning down in disappointment. “What are these?”

“White chocolate macadamia nut. Try them. They’re good.” I watch him pick the cookie up, like a bug he wants to squish, before smelling it, then finally taking a bite. His eyes relax and watch me watching him. “Like what you see, Snow?”

“Not yet, Sam. How do you feel? And don’t bother lying to me. Have you taken a break? Have you taken your meds? Have you eaten anything besides that cookie?” Those blue eyes confirm my suspicions. “Come on.” I rise from the chair and put my hand out. “Stand up.”

“I’m not finished yet.” His voice is cold and void of emotion. Sam, the new boss, is talking to me now.

But if anything is ever going to work between the two of us, he won’t be doing that again.

“Listen, you may be the boss to everyone else in this house, but none of those people are looking out for you. They want to make you happy or make you proud or do what they’re told. I’m looking out for your well-being, dumbass. You shouldn’t be home yet. If you fall over, you’re no good to anyone. So, stand up, and come upstairs with me. Let’s take a nap.”

When he looks at me as if I’m asking for the world, I add, “An hour. Give me an hour. Give your body an hour.” My heart beats faster as I wait for his answer, knowing I don’t talk to Sam like this. Well... not normally. However, nothing about the past few days has been normal.

I lower my voice. “One hour, Sam. Please.” Then I add, “I’m tired. And I’d really like you to lie down with me.”

Sam’s eyes soften as he rises. “One hour, Snow.”

He won’t do it for himself.

But he’ll do it for me.