Page 49 of Rise of the King

With my arms crossed over my chest, I stare at him without opening my mouth.

Inside, I’m calling him a dumbass.

But I’m trying with all my might to let him speak before I explode.

His eyes open, looking at me through heavy lids.

Then this frustrating man smiles, and I lose any semblance of control.

“Sam...” I scream, unable to help myself.

“Stop yelling, Snow. My head fucking hurts, and there’s too much going on. It’s safer here.”

“Safer, my ass.” This man infuriates me!

The door, which I hadn’t realized had been shut after Dean snuck out of the room, cracks open, and Bash walks in behind me. I throw my hands in the air. “Maybe you can talk some sense into him,” I grate out before storming out and slamming the door closed.

Dean is standing at the island in the kitchen with a plastic bag from the pharmacy that’s two doors down from my shop in front of him.

I march over and try to grab the bag before it’s pulled out of reach. “You okay, Amelia?”

“Did you have to let him check himself out?” My voice softens.


Dean laughs, a half-assed laugh. “Have you ever been able to tell Sam what to do? Because I haven’t, and I’ve known him all my life.” Satisfied with his answer, he hands me the bag. “All his meds are in there. I think he’s supposed to take a few of them now. I could be wrong though.” He leans over and kisses me on the cheek. “Don’t kill him, okay? I’ll be back.”

With a glass of water in one hand and his bag of medication in the other, I walk back into Sam’s office in time to hear him telling Bash, “I signed myself out. Dean has a nurse coming to the house who’s going to stay with us for a few days, just until I’m up and moving. I can’t be in that fucking hospital. Not when there’s so much to do here.”

“You’re a stubborn pain in the ass. You know that, right?” Bash’s voice does a lousy job of hiding his annoyance. “You willing to sleep in Dad’s room? It’s the only bedroom on this floor other than Nonna’s. And I don’t think you can walk up the stairs tonight.”

“Stop worrying about me, little brother. I’m paying a nurse to do that.”

He’s doing what? “Oh, yeah? Where is this nurse? I don’t see anyone here, Sam.” I place the water in front of him and a bag of prescriptions on the desk. “Give me a minute to go through these. Dean didn’t have a clue what you should be taking and when.” My eyes focus on the stitches above his eye. “Did you eat anything? It looks like you need to eat with some of these pills. Nonna mentioned earlier she has minestrone soup in the fridge.”

Sam’s fingers circle my wrist, stopping me. “Where is Nonna? How is she handling everything?”

“Well—” Bash starts to answer, but I cut him off as I pull my hand free.

“She’s at church, praying for your stupid ass. When she told me she was going, I tried to talk her into staying home. I told her your father wouldn’t want her going out right now to pray for him.”

When I turn, it’s to see Bash staring at me in shock. “How well do you know Nonna?”

“Wanna know what she told me?” I ask Sam, completely ignoring Bash’s question. “She told me she wasn’t going to church to pray for him. She was going to pray for the two of you. I don’t know what exactly she’s praying for, but I hope it’s for God to bless you with some common fucking sense.” When Sam smiles at my tirade, I spin on my heels and stomp out of the room before I kill him myself.