“So wait, let me get this straight.” I glance in the rearview of the Hummer to make sure Tommy still has his headphones on. Once I’m confident he can’t hear me, I continue, “She had a knife pulled on Belle when you and Bash got there? Bash got in the way, stepping in front of Belle and was stabbed in his side? You rushed her, and Amelia fucking shot her from the kitchen door?”
“That about sums it up.” He glances my way, then shrugs. “Annabelle’s shoulder is definitely dislocated. But it could have been a whole hell of a lot worse.”
“And they think Bash is gonna be fine too?” I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this shit storm.
Sam pulls the big black-on-black Hummer into a parking spot in front of the Kroydon Hills Hospital’s Emergency Department. “Yeah. The cut is superficial. He should get a few stitches out of it.”
“I owe you, man. I can’t even think about what would have happened if you and Bash hadn’t gotten there when you did. If there’s ever anything you need...” I offer Sam my hand.
He smiles at me and turns the car off.
“Win us the big trophy some season soon, and we’ll call it even.”