“Nope.” He kisses me quickly. “You, me, and Tommy.” Then he leans in and claims my mouth slowly before getting up, grabbing his shorts, and walking into the bathroom.
I guess it’s time to fly again.
Declan and I didn’t talk about how we wanted to handle our new relationship status before he left this morning. Just like he said, he woke up at six a.m., kissed me, told me he’d lock up with the spare key he was planning on keeping, and then he was gone.
I stuffed my face in his pillow, inhaled his scent, and tried to fall back asleep, but my mind wouldn’t let me. Instead, I kept replaying the night before, wondering if it was an epic mistake or if it was fate.
Can I do this?
Can I offer my heart to this man?
Can I add him to my delicate balancing act?
If I take the leap, will the fall take one more thing from me?
Hours later, when Tommy, Amelia, and I show our lanyards to walk into Coach Sinclair’s suite at the stadium, my fingers are crossed that nobody asks about Declan and me. But knowing this crazy crew, I know I’m fucking screwed.
Coach’s suite is amazing. It’s supposed to seat up to something silly, like thirty people, but it’s only ever Coach’s family and close friends, a group we’re lucky to be included in. You can watch from inside the glass walls or sit in one of the three rows of outside seats the box has access to. A private bar, private bathroom, personal waiter, and a buffet of food make this the perfect way to watch a game in my opinion. But that’s coming from someone who really couldn’t care less about football. Though, I’ve caught myself enjoying it more this year now that I get to watch Declan play.
Everyone’s here today. Brady and Bash are standing next to the food, filling their plates with chicken wings. Murphy has his arm wrapped around Sabrina’s waist while they talk to his mother and sister, Carys, about the upcoming wedding. Nattie and Chloe are the only ones who notice us when we walk in. Nat jumps up from her seat at the window and bounces over to us. “Hey, Tommy boy. You ready to watch our Kings crush the Sentinels today?” The Sentinels are the Kings biggest rivals and beat us out for the final playoff spot last year before going on to win the big championship at the end of the season. According to Declan, this game is always a bloodbath. Add in that the Sentinels were last year’s team to beat, the Kings want it more than ever. Nat holds her hand up for a high five, and he smacks her palm, then makes his stuffed Rex do the same.
Tommy is wearing his black and gold number thirteen Sinclair jersey and his matching Kings hat today. Of course, Rex matches him because why wouldn’t he? Even Amelia is wearing a Kings hoodie, and this is her first game.
I may have slipped the Kings hoodie I was wearing last night on over my Rolling Stones tee.
When the rest of our friends hear Nattie and Tommy, they all turn. All voices stop and stare. It’s not often that a new person is in this box, and I can feel Amelia shrink next to me. “Hey, guys. This is my friend Amelia. She owns Sweet Temptations. The new coffee and sweets shop in Kroydon Hills.”
Amelia gives a little wave.
“Yup. She’s my new crack dealer.” Katherine glares at Nattie, who just shrugs. “What? You know caffeine is my drug of choice.”
“Mom’s still refusing to let me drink coffee,” Carys pouts.
Nattie’s shocked face cracks me up. She spins on Katherine. “Pretty sure that’s child abuse, Katherine.”
“Yeah, Mom. You’re abusing your child,” Murphy adds sarcastically, wrapping his arm around his sister.
Katherine smacks the back of Murphy’s head. “No, my love, hitting you is child abuse.”
“I’ll hit him for you, Ms. Murphy. Just say the word,” Bash offers.
Nattie moves to stand between Bash and Murphy, then pushes them apart. “Dad said no hitting after the last time. Remember?”
Everyone turns their heads to look at Brady, who takes the wing out of his mouth, drops it on his plate, and moves to the outside seats before yelling back, “That wasn’t my fault!”
Amelia’s eyes bounce around the room, trying to keep up with everyone. “Your friends are insane, Belle.” There’s a touch of awe in her voice, before she adds, “I think I love them,” a little quieter.
The game is a nail-biter. Even I’m holding my breath throughout. There are never more than two points separating the two teams until we’re halfway through the fourth quarter, and the Sentinels score a field goal. With five minutes left on the clock, the Kings have to score a touchdown, or they’ll lose the game and their chance at the division title.
Declan calls a time-out, and we’re left waiting.
I’m watching from the inside window while everyone else sits outside.
“You doing okay, Annabelle? It’s hard watching them battle it out.” I look up and see Katherine standing next to me, sipping a soda.
“Yeah. I know how much he wants to show all the naysayers that he’s worth it and that he didn’t get the job because of his last name.” I look out onto the field and see them lining back up. “I really want them to win.”
Katherine places her hand on mine. “How long have you and Declan been together, Belle?”