Nattie:Remember you said that, Belles. TTL.
Thunder crashes above me as lightning pierces the dark sky. I’m already upset and on edge when a knock against my window rips a terrified scream from my throat.
“Jesus Christ, Declan.” I pocket my keys and swing the door open. Then I grab his hand and pull him behind me under the awning above the building’s back door. “What are you doing here?”
Dressed in a navy blue Notre Dame football hoodie with his hat pulled low, he exudes comfort and confidence. He looks good. Damn good.
“Nattie called. She thought you may need help changing a tire.” He pulls me into him, wrapping those massive arms around me and giving me the comfort I’m desperate for.
“Dec, it’s pouring. You don’t need to change my tire. I called roadside assistance.” I lean my head against his chest and soak in his warmth. He smells clean and masculine and all Declan.
“Not a big deal, Belle. It’ll take me five minutes.” He pulls back and kisses my head, then puts his hand out. “Keys.”
I drop the keys in his hand, then watch the first-round draft pick for the Philadelphia Kings change my tire in the rain. This man who could buy my car a million times over dropped whatever he was doing to make sure I was okay. He didn’t flash his money or fame to get someone else to help. He’s doing it himself.
Taking care of me.
As I fight back tears, I remember I have an umbrella in the car and grab it to hold over Declan, hoping to keep some of the freezing rain off him. He was right, it only took him a few minutes to get the spare on.
Dec looks up at me as he starts tightening the lug nuts on the spare. “Did you hit something?”
“It looks like there’s a puncture on the side of the tire.” He finishes tightening the spare and then stands.
Just when he straightens with the spare on the car and the flat tire in his greasy hands, the wind catches the umbrella, blowing it inside out before it grabs hold and carries it away. The thunder booms, the lightning cracks, and the rain, so cold it’s nearly sleet, pounds down on us. Staring into those inky blue eyes of his, I decide I don’t have the strength to fight this... to fight him anymore. I place my shivering hands on his beautifully soaked face, lean up on my toes and kiss the corner of his mouth before meeting his lips.
It’s pouring rain and freezing cold, and I couldn’t care less about any of it. My entire body sighs in relief as he reaches down and lifts me so my legs wrap around his waist. Declan carries us to the back door of the studio, his lips never leaving mine. He holds me with one arm anchored around my waist and his tongue tangling with mine while he fumbles with my keys. Finally giving up, he pulls his head back. “Can you please get us in this damn building?”
Taking the keys from his hand, I unlock the door while he wraps his other arm around me.
Walking through the hall, Declan stops us at the keypad on the wall so I can unarm the alarm, then walks me straight into my office. He sits us down on my couch with me straddling his lap and pushes my dripping wet hair away from my face.
I pull back and study his face.
Those beautifully expressive eyes tell me everything I need to know.
I decide in that moment to let go of my fear.