I’m not sure whether she hears me order her to call me back as she ends the call.

What the hell does the police department want?

I jump out of bed and look for my pants like I’m not half a country away with no way to help her. What the fuck do the police want at... I check my phone. If it’s nine o’clock here, it’s ten back home. Why the fuck are the police calling her at ten o’clock at night?

After a few minutes of pacing around the hotel room, which feels more like an hour, the phone rings again. Belle looks scared this time. She’s thrown a pale pink robe on and is throwing decidedly upset vibes my way. “Sorry about that. The alarm was going off at the studio, and the alarm company couldn’t reach me. Apparently, they had the wrong number on file.”

“Was there a break-in?”

She shakes her head. “The cops are there now. They said the doors are locked. They wanted to know if I wanted to come down and meet them there or if I just wanted to call the alarm company.”

“Do not go there alone, Annabelle.”

Belle’s eyes flash with fury. “I’ll do whatever I want, Declan Sinclair. I knew how to take care of myself by the time I was a teenager. I don’t need you telling me what I should or shouldn’t do.” It looks like she sits down as she blows out a breath and her big eyes glass over.

“I’m sorry. I just wish I were there to go with you. Can you please call one of the guys? You’ll need someone to stay with Tommy anyway.”

I’ve already come to realize that Annabelle has a tell. When she lifts her eyebrows, she’s basically calling me a dumbass. “I’m not going tonight. Tommy’s asleep, and the guys played a hard game today. I’m not asking any of them to come over here. I already called the alarm company and asked them to turn it off. They said it looks like it was a tripped wire or something. None of the doors were opened, and none of the motion sensors were set off.”

“Okay, good. I still think you should ask one of the guys to go with you tomorrow to check it out. Please. Just to be safe,” I all but beg her. “I fucking hate that I’m halfway across the country right now.”

“I’m a big girl, Declan. I don’t need one of the guys to go with me. It’s all good. I swear. I’m not going anywhere tonight.” She smiles, and both dimples pop deep in her cheeks.

“Please just be safe, okay?”

“I will. You just worry about winning the game. Tommy is even more excited to watch now that his best friend is the quarterback,” she laughs, and the vice around my heart starts to loosen.

“Will do, Belles. Will you text me tomorrow? Just to let me know everything’s okay.” I hate how badly I need her to agree to this.

Her smile disappears before she purses her lips and nods. “Sure, Dec. Now get some rest. You’ve got a game to win tomorrow.”

Her bravado falters slightly when she quietly adds, “Sweet dreams, Dec,” right before ending the call.

I needed that. To hear her calm and okay. But I’m gonna make sure she stays that way. I open the running group text message that I’ve got with my brother and the guys.

Group Text:

Declan:Hey, guys. Annabelle just got a call from the cops about the alarm going off at the studio. She doesn’t need to rush over tonight, but they want her to check everything out. Can one of you go with her tomorrow after she drops Tommy off with Nattie?

Bash:I can go check it out tonight.

Brady:I’m up for either.

Murphy:Me too.

Declan:Thanks, guys. She said not to worry about it tonight. She just wants to pop in tomorrow before the game.

Cooper:And how do you know she got a call from the cops, Dec? You’re in a different state.

Declan:We were on the phone when the call came through.

Cooper:Doing what?

Declan:Talking, asshat!

Murphy:Wasted opportunity, man. Phone sex is the bomb.

Brady:Wonder if that’s what your Mom’s doing with Coach right now, Murph?

Cooper:Make sure my sister’s safe before you kill him, asshole.

Bash:Ignore the fuckers. I’m gonna ask my brother, Sammy, to have someone check out the studio tonight. And I’ll go with Belle tomorrow, man. Go to bed and win the damn game.

Declan:Thanks, guys.

Why can I breathe easier knowing she’ll be safe tomorrow but still feel irrational rage at the idea of it being with Bash instead of me?