I just need to convince her we’re worth it.

I want to marry Annabelle Hart.

Monday morning, I kiss Annabelle goodbye at six a.m. She barely opens her eyes before rolling back over and shoving her face into my pillow, making me smile. I grab my phone off the nightstand and my gym bag off the floor, lock the house up with the key I never returned and don’t intend to, and jump in my Bronco. Once I turn the car on and the heat up, I sit for a minute, letting the engine warm up.

When I open my phone to check for messages, I see a text chain from the guys last night.

Group Text:

Brady:Dec, did Belles tell you about the studio?

Coop:Dude, it’s 10 p.m. Dec’s in bed, and his phone’s off. No way he’s seeing this. He’s too fucking anal to be awake. His schedule is more regimented than the Navy’s.

Murphy:Know who likes anal?

Coop:You’re gonna die, Murph.

Murphy:Chill, Coop. I was gonna say Rocky.

Coop:The dog? Dude, you’re sick.

Murphy:Fine. I was gonna say your sister.

Brady:You’re gonna die, Murph.

Bash:Chill, guys. Dec, man. You need to talk to Belles. The light was on at the studio, and the door wasn’t locked.

Coop:What are you guys talking about?

Bash:Belle had an issue with the alarm at the studio last week. It turned out to be nothing, but it was weird. Then yesterday, she noticed the light inside was on at the end of the day after she’d been gone for hours. She swore she turned the light off. It freaked her out. Then she realized the door wasn’t locked.

Shit. I never found out what she was talking about last night. This must have been it.

Brady:Yeah. She was dropping Amelia off and saw it. Says she’s never that forgetful. Just ask her about it. It could have been a coincidence.

Coop:So, does this text mean he finally claimed Belle as his?


Bash:You think anybody claims Annabelle Hart? She’s way too independent for that shit.

Murphy:Fuck you, Dr. Phil.

Brady:You’ll see one day, Bash. It’s gonna knock you on your ass.

Coop:Call me when you can, Dec.

Murphy:Ask him about the size of his dick and why Tommy’s seen it.


Brady:True story. Just ask.

These assholes dropped it after that.


Declan:Thanks for the heads-up, guys. Coop was right, and my phone was off. Just seeing this now. I’ll talk to Belle about it tonight. BTW—Tommy walked in while I was in the shower.

Declan:Don’t be jealous your dicks aren’t bigger than a fourth grader’s.