Holding her face in my hands, I kiss those lips I’m falling in love with and shut her up. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
When Belle raises those emerald-green eyes up at me, she looks a little more zen, which puts a goofy smile on my face.
Yup. I did that.
“I told Nattie not to call you,” she huffs.
I tuck a lock of her caramel-colored hair behind her ear and breathe in her lavender scent. “Can we go inside before your neighbors decide it’s fun to watch you yell at me? Or worse yet, post it on social media. Please?”
When the dimples pop in my girl’s smile, I know I’ve calmed her down. I might not be the most versed in being in relationships, but I know enough to know not to tell a woman to calm down. My way worked much better.
Annabelle leads us inside before hollering up the stairs, “Tommy, it’s time to get in the shower.”
“Do I have to?” he whines from the top of the stairs. “I showered yesterday, Belles.”
“Tommy,” she says sternly, leaving no room for argument.
I force myself not to laugh.
Moments later, the shower turns on, and Belle walks into the kitchen. “Want something to drink?” I shake my head no and watch her turn a burner on before placing a kettle on it.
“So, what didn’t you want Nattie to tell me?” I slip off my suit coat and hang it on the back of a kitchen chair. Coach insists we wear suits to and from the stadium on game or travel days.
Annabelle turns around as I roll up the arms of my starched white dress shirt and stares. “Hey,” she pouts. “That’s not fair. I’m annoyed with you. Put away the arm porn.” She points at my forearms and the black leather Tag Heuer watch they sent over when they sent the contracts.
“Belles, seriously, I have no idea why you’re annoyed.” I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the table. I might flex a little. I can’t help myself. I like seeing her smile, and I like it even more when it happens because she’s looking at me. “I came over because I meant to ask you yesterday, and truth be told, the day before that too... I meant to ask if Tommy and you would come with me to my dad’s for Thanksgiving?” Fuck, this woman can get me tongue-tied.
“Oh.” She looks confused, then turns back to the tea kettle and pours the water into a white mug with “NY Ballet” written in sparkly black lettering. When she turns back to me, she’s dunking a teabag in her mug. “Sorry. I thought—” she cuts herself off. “Never mind.” Forcing a smile, she asks. “Are you sure you want us to come with you Thursday? Isn’t it just family?”
I hate the timidness in her voice. “You really don’t get it yet, do you?” When she just stares at me, I soften my voice and continue, “My father, brother, and sister all already think of Tommy and you as family. It has nothing to do with you and me being together, considering they all suspected, but no one knew anything until a little over an hour ago.” I reach out and pull her to me.
Belle slides her mug on the table and wraps her arms around my waist. “Declan... We only really got together last night. How can you be so sure of everything?”
I lift her hair off her shoulders, letting it spill down her back. “We might have started last night in your mind, but in mine... In mine, we started when we met.”
She lifts up on her toes and grabs my face in her hands before kissing me. “You scare me, Declan Sinclair. You scare me so much. You’re so damn sure of yourself.”
I pull back, my hands moving to her hips. “I’m not, Belle. That might be what everyone else sees, but I get nervous the same as everyone. I question things. I question most things. What I don’t question... what I am sure of... is us.” I push her back before lifting and sitting her on the counter. I want her at eye level for this. “Everything happens for a reason, Annabelle. I believe that. We may never know what the reasons are, but they’re there. I was brought here to play for Philly, and I used to tell myself that it was so I could be close to my family. I guess, in a way, it was. But the day I met you, the first day I saw you in my dad’s yard, I knew that wasn’t the real reason. You were.”
She blinks wildly before her eyes meet mine. They’re big and full of unshed tears. “I’m sure of us, Belle. And I was willing to wait for you to get there as long as I needed to. I thought we were finally on the same page.”
She sniffles and runs her delicate hands up the sides of my neck into my hair. “I’m sure of you, Declan.” Her legs lock around my thighs. “I’m sure you won’t hurt me. Won’t hurt us. I’m not sure about everything else.” Those eyes show so much fucking anguish. “I feel like the universe has been conspiring against me for a while, and that scares me. I don’t want to admit that I’m falling in love with you, and the life I can see myself living with you, only for it to be taken away.” Her tears begin to fall, hard and heavy.
“I’m not going anywhere, Annabelle. I’m here. Tommy and you are my endgame, and I’m not letting anything get in the way of that.”
She leans her forehead against mine. “Promise?”
“I’ll always catch you, Belle.”
Hours later, when I’m trying to fall asleep with this incredible woman in my arms, I start thinking about my life and taking stock. I’ve always been goal-oriented. Never been afraid of hard work and earning what I want. And right now, I see my goal more clearly than ever before.
I want this woman and the little boy asleep down the hall in my life and home forever. I want to come home to them every day.
I want to celebrate the big moments and the little moments with them. I want to teach Tommy what being a man means and help him navigate this crazy world.
I want to hold Belle’s hand and make sure she knows she’s safe and loved, supported, and cherished.
I think Belle wants the same thing.