Page 96 of More Than A Game

Later that night, Brady and I are lounging on the couches watching ESPN when the front door opens and the girls spill through. Laughter bounces off the walls, making me smile before I even see them. I lean over the couch and see Rocky run over to Sabrina and Nattie, wagging her stubby tail and going in circles around their legs.

Chloe squats down in front of her, letting her sniff her hand before Rocky starts to lick it. “Oh my goodness! Aren’t you just the cutest thing ever?” She scratches behind her ears and down her back until Rocky rolls over and presents her with her belly. Then she reaches into her purse and pulls out a toy.

I lean further over the couch to get a better look. “What the fuck is that?”

Sabrina and Nattie start laughing again. Rocky prances over to Brady and me, dropping her new toy at our feet before she walks in her circle, deciding which spot she wants to take up on the floor. When I reach down and pick up the toy, she lets out an impatient whine. I hand it to Brady, shaking my head and cupping my balls.

“Jesus Christ, Chloe. You bought her a pink ball sac to chew on?” Brady stares at his sister. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Love you too, big brother.” She kisses him on the cheek and heads upstairs with her bag.

Brady looks at Nattie. “Where’s she going?”

“To my room, aka the guest room. She said your mom is driving her nuts about college applications, and she’s spending the night here.”

Sabrina comes around the couch, holding her big overnight bag and a big pet store bag.

I stand, slipping the overnight bag off her shoulder and wrapping my arms around her. “Did you have fun, Princess?”

She wraps her arms around my waist. “I did have fun.” She yawns.

“You ready for bed?

She nods and leans her head against my chest. “I’m beat.”

“Okay. I’ll meet you upstairs. Just gotta let Rocky out first.”

Luckily, I don’t think Rocky likes the cold. She takes care of business quickly, then follows me upstairs. When I walk into my room, I’m surprised by the big cream-colored fluffy square thing on the floor, next to my desk. It’s got Rocky’s new ball sac chew toy on it, a small pink stuffed tiara, and a stuffed white lamb.

I look around, but there are no signs of Sabrina until the bathroom door creaks open. She’s in those cute cherry print pajamas I love. Her face has been washed, and her long dark hair has been piled on top of her head. She’s gorgeous.

“Uh, Princess, what is that?” I point to the big pillow.

“It’s a bed for Rocky. You said she couldn’t sleep with us anymore, and I didn’t want her to have to sleep on the floor.” She climbs up onto my bed and gets under the covers.

Meanwhile, I strip down to my boxers, shut off the light, and join her. Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her toward me and kiss the top of her head. “Love you, Sabrina.”

She runs her fingers over my chest. “I love you too, Aiden.”

I grab her hand and kiss the tips of her fingers. “Sleep, Princess. Women. Weaken. Legs. So, no fun stuff tonight.”

This crazy girl shakes her head and proves she’s perfect. “Really? You’re going to quote Mickey to me? Who’s the real Rocky, you or the dog?”

“You know what movie that’s from?” Seriously...what girl can quote Rocky?

She lifts her head away from her favorite spot on my chest. “Aiden Murphy, I’m a Philadelphian just like you. I can quote the first Rocky as much as I can quote the last one. Rocky III might not be my favorite, but I even know that one.”

“You never stop surprising me.”
