“What?” I ask.
Brady, Nattie, and Bash look at each other before Brady answers, “Just caught us off guard, Murph. You’re not usually the voice of reason.”
“Yeah,” Nattie adds, stabbing a piece of broccoli. “It’s a little weird.”
“Whatever. You guys still suck.” Standing, I push back from the table, grab our two containers, stick the lids on them, and shove them in the fridge. Then I look back at the table and warn my roommates, “Those leftovers had better still be there later.”
Bash holds his hands up, pointing at Nattie. “No promises, man.”
“Shut up, Bash. That happened one time. One freaking time I ate your sesame chicken, and you’re never going to let me live it down,” Nat pouts.
“Whatever, guys. Brina left most of her dinner. When she’s done being pissed at me, she might be hungry.”
Nat leans forward. “Oh? From all the makeup sex?”
I look at Brady. “Can you make her stop talking?”
Brady laughs and reaches for Nat’s hand. “Yeah. I can think of a few ways.”
I turn to walk away, just as I hear what I’m guessing is Brady getting a face full of something. Rice maybe?
Then I hear Bash, “Hey, that was my eggroll.”
A throat clears behind us.
“I’m not pissed at you.” Sabrina takes Rocky’s leash off as she enters the kitchen. “I’m just so mad at my mom, and it seems really inconsequential in light of everything that’s happened in the past few days. I’m sorry if I made you think I was mad at you.” She leans up and kisses my cheek.
Brady wraps his arm around Nattie’s shoulders. “How come you never apologize to me?”
“Because I’m never wrong,” Nat answers smugly. Then she steals his egg roll.
Sabrina grabs her bottle of water from the table. “I’ve got to go finish my paper.”
Bash groans, closes his eyes and shakes his head. “Is that code for loud monkey sex?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Sebastian,” my girl laughs. It’s kind of a pitiful sound, but she’s trying. “Loud monkey sex comes after the paper is done.” She smiles at the shocked look on Bash’s face, then walks up the stairs.
God, she’s perfect.
* * *
Sinclair – Murphy Family Group Text
Coach Sinclair:Sorry for the group text. This seemed like the best way to get this information out. We got a letter from Cooper today. It appears he’ll be home a week before Christmas until January second. Katie and I would like to get married on New Year’s Eve at the Ritz Carlton. We want to start off the new year as a family. We’ve reserved the entire thirtieth floor for the night.
Declan:Did you really name the text chain, Dad?
Nattie:Aww, Dad! That’s perfect!
Coach Sinclair:You and Brady will have two rooms.
Declan:Don’t waste your money, Dad.
Coach Sinclair:I’m ignoring everything you say, Dec.
Declan:I feel the love, Dad.