Page 81 of More Than A Game

I lean down and kiss Sabrina. “I’m gonna go put these bags in my room. I’ll be back down in a minute.”

She nods, and Annabelle envelops her in a hug. Tommy’s laughter echoes throughout the house and helps to keep me moving.

I hear Bash’s footsteps follow me up the stairs. Walking into my room, I drop the bags on my bed and turn to see Brady and Bash both moving through the door.

Bash speaks first. “That was Dixon on the phone. The doc had just walked into the waiting room before he hung up. Said he’d call back after he got the update. I think we should sit tight for now. It sounds like there are already too many people taking up space in the waiting room.”

“Charlotte?” My voice cracks as force myself to ask the quesgion.

Bash shakes his head, but it’s Brady who speaks. “She’s gone. She was already gone when they got to the hospital.”

“Jamie wasn’t conscious when they brought him in, so he doesn’t know that yet,” Bash adds.

“Jesus. What the fuck happened?”

Bash leans against the wall and drags his hands down his face. “Dixon said Charlotte’s flight out was at ten this morning. He was following behind them to go grab breakfast at the diner before Jamie took her to the airport. He said...” He stops and stands taller, shoving his hands into his pockets. “He said that they were t-boned at the intersection across from the diner by some kind of dump truck, like the kind that delivers dirt. It hit the passenger side. Dix said the guy didn’t put his brakes on at all, like he didn’t see the red light or something. He hit them in full force. You guys know that intersection. It’s not small. The guy was probably going at least forty miles an hour.”

“Holy shit. Dixon saw the whole thing?” This shit keeps getting worse. He watched his roommate’s girl get killed.

Bash nods. “Yeah. It’s bad, man.”

Brady grabs my shoulder. “Let’s go downstairs and get the girls.”

We hear Rocky howl.

Then Bash’s phone rings. “Hey, Dix. What’s going on? What did the doc say?”

All of the color drains from Bash’s face.

Fuck, no. This isn’t happening.