Page 33 of More Than A Game

Letting go of the fence, she crosses her arms over her chest and takes a step back. “I’ve never been on your radar a single day in your very loud life, and then I was...And that’s pretty intimidating.” Those big brown eyes glisten with unshed tears. “You threw me when you started talking about it being a more than a one-time thing because I’ve never seen you do that.” Cocking her head to the side, she gives me a sad smile. “Not because I didn’t like the way it sounded, but because I did.”

“Listen to me, Princess, because I’m only going to say this once. I haven’t ever had a girlfriend because one or two times with someone was all I ever needed or wanted. But you’re different. You push me, and I think you kinda get me. I wasn’t proposing, but I did want to see you again.”

She holds her finger up in a one-minute gesture. Then jogs down the length of the fence to the gate and comes back down on the same side as me. “Okay. I didn’t like that stupid fence being between us. Now, you said you DID want to see me again? Was that past tense? Because I had a big grand apology planned, but it didn’t involve being in the stadium or out in public for that matter.”

Brina’s looking around at the other people running the track tonight as a boom of thunder echoes overhead.

“Come on. I’ve got my car over here.” I motion to the parking lot and place my free hand on the small of her back, feeling a zing of anticipation when I come in contact with bare skin. Once we get to the SUV, I open her door and wait for her to climb up before walking around the car.

When I sit down, she places her hand on mine, and waits for me to look at her. “I’m so sorry. What I said was really shitty, and you didn’t deserve it. You were a perfect gentleman last weekend, and I was a bitch.”

Not exactly what I was expecting to hear. “If I was a perfect gentleman, I was doing something wrong, Princess. Come on, I’ll drive you home.”

That pretty red colors her cheeks before she looks away from me and out the passenger side window. “Okay.”

If I’m not mistaken, she sounds disappointed. “Sabrina.” I drag out her name. “Do you not want to go home?”

Pulling her gaze away from whatever she sees outside, her doe eyes lock on mine. “No, I don’t want to go home even though I probably should. I just ran six miles. I need a shower.”


She doesn’t want to go home.

She apologized and doesn’t think I’m an asshole.

Is this how an adult relationship works?

“If you want to shower, I’ve got one of those back at the house. I’ll bet it’s bigger than yours. It’s got six showerheads in there. Technically, I share it with Bash. It’s between our rooms, but he was heading out after practice. Told his pops he’d meet him and his brother for dinner. He usually crashes at his brother Sammy’s condo in the city when he does that.”

Brina looks at me, and bites down on that plump bottom lip.

I see the internal struggle happening. She wants to come with me, but her inner good girl is telling her she shouldn’t.

I clamp my lips shut. If this thing is going to happen between us, she has to come to me because she wants to. Not because I want her to.

Damn, but I really want her to. Guess I need to man up and admit that to myself.

Leaning back, she buckles her seat belt and turns to me with a sly look on her angelic face. “You share with Bash?”

This little shit. “Oh, baby. I don’t share well with others. Just ask Brady what happened the last time he tried to take one of my toys.” Winking at her, I turn and start the car.

“Can’t you just tell me?”


She leans back and relaxes. “Six showerheads, huh?”

It only takes a few minutes to get back to the house. As I pull up, I see Sabrina looking for the other cars that are usually here. Pulling in to park, I hop out, annoyed that I only have the use of one arm, and make my way to her side. She’s already reached behind my seat, grabbed my gym bag, and is out the door before I get to her.

Sabrina hands me the bag. “Where is everyone?”

“It’s Wednesday night. Nattie is at Annabelle’s studio teaching the baby ballerinas. Brady usually meets her there after practice and hangs with Tommy so Belle can get some work done. I told you earlier that Bash was out, so that just leaves us.”

We enter the house through the garage door, and I kick my shoes off under my cubbie and throw my bag on the bench. Sometimes this area makes me feel like I’m in the coat room in kindergarten, but it’s pretty useful.

Sabrina’s lips pull up into a small smile. “How very domesticated of you.” She toes off her sneakers more carefully than I did.

“You’ve never seen this before?”