Page 26 of More Than A Game


Murphy pulls himself up to sit, leaning against the headboard. He can’t sit up completely on my lofted bed or he’ll hit his head on the ceiling. I try not to laugh, as he finds a comfortable position. I sit up, straightening my clothes, and cross my legs, leaning against the wall, angling myself to face him. Christ on a cracker, I cannot believe I just hooked up with Aiden Murphy.

He’s been my freaking unicorn for as long as I can remember, and I just sucked myself off his fingers.

Oh my God!


Gotta play it cool right now.

“Did you sleep okay? You feeling any better?” Real freaking smooth, Sabrina. I’m ready to bitch slap my inner Jiminy Cricket. There’s a name for people who hear fucking voices in their heads.

“Considering the size of your bed, I slept fucking fantastic. Although I do think that we should sleep in my bed next time.”

Sweet baby Jesus in a manger.

Did he just say next time?

Aiden Murphy does not do next-times. He does one-time-onlys.

“Next time?” Okay, good. My voice didn’t squeak when I said this. That’s a step.

Oh, there’s that cocky grin. One side of his mouth kicks up, and he looks so freaking sexy I’d drop my panties right now if I was wearing any. “I’m sorry, Princess. Was this a “wham-bam-thank-you-man” kinda thing for you? Were you just using me for my body? Because if so, I have quite a few other things that I can do with my body to impress you. Although I was saving them for later. Figured I need to open my bag of tricks slowly for you, so you don’t get bored and you know...kick me to the curb.”

Say what now?

Kick who to the curb?

How about scream “Marry me, please. Let me have all your babies. Forget wanting to be a power player, a kingmaker in Washington DC. I’ll stay home and on my back 24/7, just waiting for you to get there and screw my brains out.”

Shoot. I just lost my train of thought.

Looking down, my comforter becomes the most fascinating thing I’ve ever seen. Anything to not have to look him in the eyes right now. I hate it, but I know I’d never be enough for him. This man is out of my league. “What the hell are you talking about? I’ve known you for years, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with the same girl twice.” I peek up, and that damn grin is still there.

“Yeah, that didn’t work out so well for me now, did it?” He grabs my hand, stopping the assault on my comforter that’s currently taking place.

Oh crap, I know it’s coming. Verbal vomit is about to hit, and it’s not gonna be good. “So, what? You figure you’ll give this a try? I just happen to be the lucky girl who was in the right place at the right time...For what? Your first attempt at monogamy? Being a man whore didn’t work out so well, might as well try monogamy out with Sabrina. She can’t keep a boyfriend anyway, might as well get it out of my system with her. Way to make a girl feel special, Murph.” I rip my hand away from him and finally hold my head up.

Shit. I can see the hurt on his face.

Murphy moves to straighten but hits his head on the ceiling. Why did I loft my stupid bed? “Are you fucking kidding me? No. You’re insinuating that I’m what? Using you for an experiment? If I was going to ‘try something out with someone,’ I’d pick someone easy. And let me tell you something, Princess, you are the furthest fucking thing from easy.” His eyes run over me like I’m a stranger to him, and I want to cry.

He throws his legs over my bed and stands, grabbing his jeans. “I’d hope you’d know I’d never do that to you. We’ve only fucking known each other since you wore fucking pigtails to school every day of first fucking grade. And if you really think I’d do that, I think I should be leaving.”

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

How did we get here?

Shit. Shit. Shit.

This is not what I wanted or what I meant to say. He’s pulling his jeans up now and grabbing his shirt off the floor.


He slips his feet into his Nike’s. “For your fucking information, Sabrina, I’ve never been with a girl more than once because I’ve never been with anyone worth it. I thought maybe that had changed, but I can see I was cataclysmically fucking wrong.”

The door is slamming behind him before I get a chance to pull my head out of my ass and figure out how to save the morning.