Page 83 of More Than A Game

“Yeah, sweetheart. They’re both gone.” Brady wraps his arms around her.

Murphy’s hold on my hand tightens. I move in front of him, my back to his chest, and wrap his arms around me. “Did anyone call their parents?”

Bash answers, “Dixon said Coach Barnett has been there all morning with him. Coach was taking care of all of that. I told him we’d take care of Rocky. Dix hates the damn dog.”

“I’ll keep him. If Dix doesn’t want him, I’ll keep him.” I’m not surprised Murphy wants Rocky.

I’m kinda glad he’s going to get to keep him. I think it will help.

Nattie touches Murphy’s brown boot with the toe of her hot pink converse. “Rocky’s a she, remember?”

“Then I’ll keep her.”

Everyone stands quietly, absorbing this heartbreaking news.

There are certain times in your life you know you’ll never forget.

Your first kiss.

Your first love.

The first time you find the thing you’re good at and start making plans for the future.

The first time you realize your parents aren’t perfect, but mere mortals like everyone else.

The first time you realize life isn’t guaranteed.

That you aren’t safe just because you’re young.

That it can all be taken away in an instant.

That nothing is guaranteed.

This will be the day I remember as the day my definition of safety and invincibility was forever altered.