Page 75 of More Than A Game

“Sabrina has been groomed her entire life for great things, Mr. Murphy. She is her father’s daughter, and her political future is endless.” She looks around the room before bringing her attention back to me. “Her father will sit in the White House one day, and Sabrina will be right there by his side. Who knows how far she will be able to go when it’s her turn? What I do know is that you will only drag her down.”

She crinkles her nose as if she smells something offensive, then continues, “You can’t actually think that her father and I would be supportive of you dating our daughter. Your reputation precedes you, Mr. Murphy, and it is not a good one. Quite frankly, you should be ashamed of yourself. Your poor mother has had to raise you alone because your worthless father left town as soon as he could. And what do you do to repay her? You give her a son with a reputation as the joke of the town. My sources tell me football is the only thing you’ve ever been serious about, and thank God you are good at that, or you would have no future. I’ve also been told that you do not have serious relationships and prefer instead to date multiple girls at once.”

Who the hell are her sources? The FBI?

“I will not have my daughter be made a fool of and then tossed away once you get bored, only for her to have to defend having dated you in the first place when she goes into politics later.” She lifts her glass but stops before she drinks. “Or, worse yet, have you string her along and then leave like your father did.”

Talk about a direct hit. Grinding my teeth, I answer, “I am not my father, Mrs. Cabot.”

“No, you are not going to be given the chance to destroy my daughter’s life the way he destroyed your mother’s.”


Mrs. Cabot’s calculating smile disappears from her face when she turns around and sees Sabrina standing behind her next to Declan.

“Sabrina, darling.” She attempts to grab Sabrina’s arm, but my girl pulls away.

“You are so lucky Declan saw Murphy in here, because if you’d gotten the chance to do any damage to my relationship with this little conversation you’re having with the man I love, I swear to God, Mother, I would destroy you.” It’s a tone I didn’t know Sabrina had in her, and I hope to never hear again.

Her mother begins to speak, but Brina puts her hand up, halting her. “Aiden Murphy is an incredible man. He’s caring and protective, and he thinks about other people before he thinks of himself, something you know nothing about. He makes me feel safe and like I’m enough, by myself, without having to prove my worth over and over. I’m not surprised you’re too blind to see it because none of that benefits you. It only benefits me. And why would you care if he was good to me? Good for me? You’ve never cared about me further than how I could help you and your political aspirations for Daddy.”

I watch my Princess eviscerate her mother...for me.

Her mother’s entire face is pinched tight. “Sabrina, lower your voice. You are drawing attention to yourself.”

“I will not lower my voice, Mother. Aiden and I are leaving, and you’re not going to speak a word of this, or I’ll tell the world what I saw you doing with the senate majority leader earlier.” She leans in close to her mother. “Daddy might already know, but I doubt Senator DeFelice’s wife does.”

Holy shit.

Her voice resonates with power. “All it would take is one secret told to the right person, and Daddy’s campaign would be over. Destroyed. By. You. Don’t doubt for a second I wouldn’t do it or I wouldn’t know who to speak to. I’ve been trained by the best.”

Holy Shit. Who is this girl who’s willing to bring down her own world...for me?

Brina links her fingers with mine and pulls me. “Come on, Aiden. I need to get out of here before I destroy my father’s entire political career with one well-placed whisper.”