Page 70 of More Than A Game


Sabrina and I slept for a few more hours until she insisted she had to get to her parent’s house to get ready for tonight. I didn’t want to let her out of my bed, but I did...albeit begrudgingly. I’m supposed to be meeting her there soon. I stop to take one last look at myself in the mirror and fix my hair. I make a tux look good. I’ve got to remember to thank my momma for forcing me to get this tailored so it fits perfectly.

As I come down the steps, I see Nattie curled up in a ball on the couch, giving Rocky some love. Leaning over the back of the couch, I scratch Rocky’s head. “Be a good boy for Nattie tonight, Rocky.”

“Oh, she’s already been a little hussy. The pug that lives next door decided he couldn’t resist her, and Rocky here spread those short little legs for him.”

“What are you talking about? Rocky’s a boy.”

As if on cue, Rocky rolls his chubby body over and nudges Nattie to rub his belly.

And would you look at that.

Rocky’s a girl.

What the hell? “Huh. I thought she was a he.”

“Well hopefully, she didn’t get knocked-up on your watch, Murph, or you’re going to have to explain it to Jamie. You look super handsome, by the way. Spin for me. Let me see the whole look.”

I give her my best GQ pose, and she whistles. A gust of wind whips through the side door as Brady and Bash come in from the backyard with Tommy and his favorite T-Rex hot on their heels.

“Hey, Tommy Boy. What were you guys doing out there?” I lower myself to high five Rex, and I’m rewarded with a high five from Tommy too. This kid has come so far since we first met him last year. He still doesn’t love to be touched, but he’s coming around. Those freaking moments are hard-earned and are worth the effort.

Bash sinks down into the big armchair by the TV. “We were working on the perfect spiral. Right, Tommy?”

Tommy nods but looks upset. “Where are you going?” I hate the disappointment I hear in his voice.

“I’m going to the party that Annabelle is going to tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow. Okay, bud?” I’d much rather be staying in tonight with them. Pretty sure Sabrina feels the same.

Tommy nods, then sits next to Nattie on the couch, hugging his Rex. His smile reappears when she pulls up Jurassic World on Netflix.

Nattie flips her head back to catch my eyes. “Get going, Murph. You don’t want to make Sabrina late, do you?”

“Bite your tongue, Little Sinclair.” I fake a full body shiver. “I’d never hear the end of it. See you guys later.”

I climb into the Escalade and pat my pocket, double-checking that the box I placed there earlier is still there. It doesn’t take long to get to the Cabots’ house. They’re only slightly further away than my neighborhood. It’s a quick ride from campus, which is a good thing. It gives me less time to get nervous about tonight. When I pull my car up, I see a limo waiting. Shit. Are we supposed to be riding with her parents? Do they know we got a room for the night?

What am I supposed to say if they want us to ride with them?

“Hey, nice to meet ya. Hope you don’t mind us not coming home with you because I plan on doing filthy things to your daughter all night long. But don’t worry, she’ll like it.”The senator may not let me live to see another day.

I knock on the door and put my hands in my pockets to stop myself from knocking again. This is the first time I’ve ever been concerned with making a good first impression on someone who wasn’t going to be my coach. I take a step back, trying to get my racing heart under control, when the massive, arched dark wood door is opened and all but one thought leaves my brain.

My girl looks like a real-life princess.

She’s wearing an emerald green ball gown, and her silky brown hair is piled in some fancy twist on top of her head. Glittery diamond earrings are hanging from her ears, and her long eyelashes are perfectly framing her sparkling, chocolate-brown eyes. She nervously worries her bottom lip, and I want to kick myself for putting that look on her face.

“Sabrina, you look...There are no words. God, you’re gorgeous.” I reach for her, but she steps back.

“You look pretty handsome yourself, Aiden.”

As I cross the threshold, a throat clears behind us. Sabrina’s mother is standing at the bottom of a curved white wooden staircase with an unhappy look on her face.” Aren’t you going to introduce us, Sabrina?”

Sabrina grabs my hand and presents me to her mother as her father enters the room. “Mom, Dad, I’d like to introduce you to Aiden Murphy. Aiden, these are my parents.”

Her mother cuts her off with a cold nod. “Senator and Mrs. Cabot. Pleased to meet you, Aiden.”

Senator Cabot grabs my shoulder. “Nice to officially meet you, son. Your mother and I go way back. I believe she said she’ll be with us tonight. I can finally get the chance to congratulate her on her engagement.”