Page 40 of More Than A Game

Sabrina pulls her pretty face away from me and leans her head on my chest, her fingers nimbly playing with the hair at my neck.

Moving my face to her ear, I nuzzle her hair. “You wanna go upstairs?”

“God, Aiden. I really, really do.” I can tell from her tone there’s more coming.

“But...?” I wait for her to fill in the blank.

“But I should really go back to my dorm. I have a few things I still need to do tonight to tighten up a report I’m turning in tomorrow.”

I blow out the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding until now. “Okay, Princess. I’ll take you home.” Even I can hear the disappointment in my own voice.

Still not pulling her head up, I hear my name, barely above a whisper falling from her lips, “Murphy?”

“Yeah, Princess?”

“Nattie said you guys have a bye-week next weekend. Is she right?”

“Yeah. We’ve got a game in Boston this weekend and a bye the following weekend. Hopefully, I’m back to 100 percent for the game after that.”


I place my finger under her chin and force her head up so I can see her eyes when she speaks. Then I wait her out.

“Any chance you’d want to go to a fundraiser in the city with me that weekend? My father is being presented with an award, and his campaign wants to milk it for all its worth. I’ve been instructed to be there with a suitable date, and I’d really like it if you’d go with me.”

“You think I’m suitable? Not scared I’d embarrass you at some fancy, formal event?”

The hand resting on my chest grabs my shirt and pulls. “Oh, shush. I know you’ve attended stuff like this before. I’m not the only one standing here who’s grown up with a silver spoon in their mouth, smartass.”

“Oh, I’ll never again doubt the things you can do with that mouth, or how pretty it looks with something in it, Princess. I’ll go on one condition.”

She tilts her head to the side as her teeth rake across her plump bottom lip.

My cock stirs again. Fuck. What this girl does to me is not normal.

“What’s the condition?”

I shake my head, “Nuh-uh, Princess. Agree, then I’ll tell you.”

She pulls her arms away from me, and I cringe at the loss of contact.

Hands on her hips now, she studies me. “If you make me regret this, I will maim you, Aiden Murphy. Fine, I agree. What is your condition?”

“Spend the night with me Saturday night after my game. Let me pick you up after we fly home.”

“That’s it? Where’s the catch?”

“No catch. Come home with me Saturday.” I hold my breath, waiting for her answer.

The slow smile I’m rewarded with hits me harder than any play on the field ever has. I want to be the man who keeps that smile there. I want to be worthy of this beautiful woman who’s slowly changing my definition of winning.

* * *

Group Text:

Nattie:*Gif of Serena & Blair from Gossip Girl shrieking*

Nattie: Somebody’s keeping secrets!