Page 31 of More Than A Game

Talk to you soon, kiddo – Coop

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Group Text:

Coop: I’ve only got five minutes of computer time. I won it today. Gotta make this fast.

Coop: Wtf! Tommy’s the only one sending me anything! I’m getting updates on you douchebags from a 10 year-old.

Murph: Well, Brady usually has his hands full...I’m not gonna say what of.

Brady: Fuck you, Murph. Care to tell the class where you slept Saturday night?

Coop: Jesus, man. I’m halfway across the country. Can you not put the image of my sister’s ass in Brady’s hands in my head.

Murph: Who said it was her ass?

Brady: You’re gonna die, Murph.

Bash: Do we need a time-out, class? Let’s back up. Where did you sleep Saturday night, Murph?


Cooper: Well?

Brady: He slept with Sabrina!

Cooper: Sabrina? Like Sabrina, Sabrina? Our Sabrina? Where the hell did that come from? Jesus. Can’t you fuckers go outside our circle of friends?

Murph: Shut up, asshole. I just crashed at her place. I was tired.

Bash: You stickin’ to that story?

Murph: Listen here, Pretty Boy. It’s the truth.

Bash: Don’t be jealous.

Coop: Still stuck on Sabrina. Mind blown.

Murphy: I’m out

Brady: Pussy

Bash: Play nice, kids

Coop: Can’t wait to hear how this plays out.

Coop: Write me a damn letter!