Page 14 of More Than A Game

We walk up two flights of stairs before turning onto her floor. She guides me down to the third door on the right. Most doors have whiteboards on the outside with dry-erase markers attached. But not Sabrina’s. How does she not realize how rigid she can be? She probably has her underwear drawer organized by color and style. This girl has got to loosen up and have a little fun. As she opens the door and lets me walk in, I’m surprised by her room.

It’s full of her.

I was expecting white walls and hospital corners on her bed. Instead, I see a funky, bright green-colored papasan chair in the corner with deep purple pillows thrown on top. Her desk is covered with the type of textbooks that most of us read online, but judging by the highlighters sitting neatly in the cup next to the books, our girl likes to take notes in those giant books. A purple MacBook is sitting in the center, and a matching speaker is next to it.

The walls above have pictures everywhere. There’s a collage frame full of Chloe and her over the years. There are pictures of her old soccer team winning the championship last year. Of course, there are pictures of her family standing with her dad while he’s sworn in, and a couple of just her little sister and her.

Judging by the covers, a stack of romance books is on the floor next to her tiny twin bed. The bed is covered by a deep purple comforter, and I’m shocked to see it hasn’t been made. “How did you manage to get a single, Brina? I thought freshmen were always grouped in fours?”

Toeing off her grey and pink sneakers, Sabrina smiles at me. “It’s one of the few times I didn’t mind the senator pulling a string or two. It might even have just been the fact I was his daughter. He may not have asked, but I honestly don’t care. I can’t imagine spending a year living with a stranger. I’m not very good at making new friends.” A blush creeps over her face. “It might have killed me to have to share my space.”

So, the ice princess does have a weakness after all.

That thought quickly leaves my mind as Sabrina pulls her hoodie over her head, and the white t-shirt she has on underneath goes with it. Her stomach is on full display before the t-shirt gets pulled back down, giving me just enough time to enjoy the curves of her hips and the slight indents of her abdominal muscles. There’s something about a girl with muscles she’s earned that is so fucking sexy.

When I look up, I can tell I’ve been caught staring and can’t bring myself to give a damn, so instead, I flash my best panty-melting smile and get a tight-lipped look of annoyance in return.

“Okay, Aiden, you walked me to my room. I’m safe for the night. Unless you are going to tuck me into bed, I think it’s time for you to go. Tell Nattie I’ll see her tomorrow for yoga.”

Crossing my armsand flexing my muscles just a little for show, I ask, “Why do you do that?”

“Do what?” Sabrina looks at me, confused.

Narrowing my eyes, I answer, “Call me Aiden. You did it earlier too. The only people who call me Aiden are my mom and my sister.”

“I don’t know. It’s your name, isn’t it?” Sabrina shifts uncomfortably.

I push for a better answer. “Yeah, but you call me Murphy too.”

“I guess I do. Do you want me to stop?”

I reach forward and wrap a soft brown curl around my finger. “No. I like the sound of my name on your lips.”

“Oh, come on, Murphy. Talk about a cheesy line.” Laughing, she grabs my shoulders and ushers me to her door. “Time to go. Thank you again for making sure I got back safely.”

Opening her door and straightening her spine, she decides it’s time to get serious again. “I’m glad you got the results you did today. I know you feel bad for how Tessa reacted at the doctor’s office, but I think it was for the best. Maybe keep that in mind.”

“Good night, Sabrina. Thanks for listening to me tonight. You seem to be making a habit of that, and I appreciate it.” Leaning in, I kiss her on her forehead and let the strands of her ponytail slide through my fingers.

I don’t think she realizes she lets out a soft hum of approval that goes directly to my dick, cementing the fact that I need to leave now before I do something epically fucking stupid.

Pulling the door shut behind me, I wait until I hear the lock engage before heading out of the building.

Getting involved with Sabrina Cabot is not a good move. Hell, getting involved with anyone feels like a risk right now. As I walk back to our house, all the reasons why I should stay away from the virginal senator’s daughter scroll through my mind. But there was something there tonight.

Sabrina needs to loosen the fuck up, and maybe I need to get more serious. Maybe we could help each other.

A few minutes later, I walk into the house through the garage door and throw my stuff in my cubby. Brady’s mom went a little overboard when she decorated this place, and it looks like a Pottery Barn catalog threw up. There’s a big, white panel-walled entry area with four separate floor-to-ceiling cubbies. Each has its own bench and two hooks to hang shit on with a shelf above that. They’re seriously useful, and I kick my sneakers off under my bench.

Once I get to the kitchen, I’m surprised to see Bash, Brady, and Nattie all sitting at the table. Bash is the first to stand as I enter the room. “Murphy, we’ve been calling and texting all fucking night, man. What happened at the appointment?”

Aww, fuck.

We’re all pretty good about answering our phones, especially when it’s one of us calling each other. Pretty sure Nattie put that Find My Friends app on all our phones months ago. Oops. “Shit, guys, I’m sorry. I turned my phone off when I walked into the doctor’s office and never turned it back on. I needed to figure a few things out afterward, and I went to the field. I just needed some time alone. I ended up bumping into Sabrina there and walked her back to her dorm before heading home.”

Nat walks over to me, pulling my hand until I sit down in the open spot next to her. I’ve heard people talking about friends being the family you choose for yourself. And yeah, it sounds cheesy, but it’s true.

I’m so fucking glad I’ve got these people in my corner.