Page 101 of More Than A Game

Minutes later, when I’m on the verge of coming down her throat, I lift her up, leaning her against the tile wall, letting her body sink down on mine in one excruciatingly slow move. Slow doesn’t last long though. In just moments, I’ve found the rhythm I know my girl needs to get her where I already am. With one hand wrapped around her back and the other around her throat, I force her eyes to mine. “Jesus, Princess. You’re my everything. My life. My love. My home.”

I thrust one last time, moving my mouth to hers, and swallow her cry as she comes around me, whispering, “I love you, Sabrina Cabot.”

* * *

I’m getting everything together for breakfast burritos Sunday morning when Chloe skips into the kitchen, makes herself a cup of coffee, and lifts herself up onto the counter. I feel her stare drilling into the back of my head. “What’s up, Chloe? What’s on your mind?”

“You ready for tonight, Murph?”

“What do you mean?” She tilts her head to the side, considering what she’s going to say next. “Imagine the nastiest game you've ever played in.”

I nod my head. It's not a far stretch to imagine yesterday.

“Sabrina's mom is going to be worse today.”

I don't bother telling her that's not possible. I appreciate that she's got Brina's back on this. “You're not telling me anything I don't already know, Chloe.”

“It's going to be rough. That's all I'm trying to say. Don't let your anger at what she says get the better of you, Murph.” Still staring at me, she waits until I finally stop and give her my full attention. “I’ve known Mrs. Cabot for twelve years. Trust me, she knows how to push every button Sabrina has. She’s a master manipulator, and it sounds like she thinks you’re a bug that needs squashing.”

I start to let that sink in. I don’t think Sabrina can be as easily manipulated as Chloe thinks. She’s not giving her enough credit.

Chloe hops down. “You're a protector. You always have been. You've just hidden it with laughter. Don't lash out when Mrs. Cabot pisses you off. Because, trust me, she will.”

“Gotcha.” I grab the salsa and cheese out of the fridge and then hunt down a few bowls.

“And don’t let Sabrina push you away, like she’s probably going to try to do. She’s not good at accepting help. She never has been.” Chloe looks at me, assessing. “Has anyone told you that we all knew this was happening?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You and Brina. We all knew it was a matter of when, not if. I'm glad you guys finally figured it out. You're such a good guy, Murph. She deserves you.” Chloe takes the bowls out of my hands, puts them on the counter, and then wraps her arms around my waist.

“What? No threat that I better treat her right?” I smile at this wild girl I've known my entire life. She's practically as much of a sister to me as Carys is, and I love her like one. I'm glad I've got her in my corner and even more grateful Sabrina does too.

“No, Murph. I know you'll treat her right. You guys are like yin and yang. She makes you more serious, and you make her loosen up. Make sure she has some fun. Remind her to enjoy herself. I don’t think Sabrina does that enough.”

That I can do.