Once she was safely inside, Seth went back down to his car. He drove home, thinking of her the whole way. He was conflicted. The date had been perfect. Gentry was everything he’d ever dreamed of, and he couldn’t wait to spend time with her again. But there was one thing holding him back.

When he got home, Seth texted Linc to let him know he’d just gone out with Gentry, under the guise of professional courtesy, since they were working the Miami Blues case together. But the truth was that Seth knew what had almost transpired between the three of them in that private room, what had almost happened today at the beach. This romance was coming like a bullet train, and they were almost off the tracks.

This way, the ball was in Linc’s court. It was up to him to decide what happened next.



Bang! Bang! Bang!

The kickback jolted through Linc’s bulky, powerful frame as he fired his gun at the human-shaped target. The bullets struck the practice target in the chest, one in each lung and one right through the heart. The crack of the gunfire rang out, echoing in the concrete hallway.

“Damn,” burst out one of the rookies standing behind Linc.

“Holy cow,” exclaimed another one.

“Right on the money!” blurted a third.

Linc lowered the gun and turned to look at his starry-eyed recruits.

“That’s how it’s done, boys,” he said. “Now, I don’t expect any of you to hit the center target just yet, but before long, you’ll be shooting straight as a ruler.”

“How long did it take you to shoot like that?” asked one wide-eyed guy.

“Well, I’ve been on the force for a decade.” Linc chuckled. “If that gives you any idea.”

The guys were staring at him with reverence, like he was a superhero. Like they were lining up for an autograph. Linc was always good with the new guys; he possessed the kind of stoic charisma that made young, ambitious guys pay attention. They looked up to him like a father or a tough older brother. Linc had learned from the best, Lieutenant Pearce, how to mentor younger police officers. He enjoyed teaching them, and he took the responsibility very seriously.

The door at the end of the hallway clicked open and Seth came walking in carrying two coffees. The rookies lit up even more when they saw him. Seth and Linc were known as a dream team around the department, so every new recruit was eager to see them in action. Linc stiffened up as Seth came walking over and handed him a coffee.

“Two creams, no sugar,” he greeted.

“Thanks,” Linc answered, taking the cup.

It was a tactical move on Seth’s part. Not only did it make him and Linc look more like a united front for the recruits, but Linc knew he was partly doing it to ease the tension. After the text he received last night about Seth going on a date with Gentry, he’d been on edge. Seth knew him well, and clearly anticipated this. The coffee, done right for once, was an olive branch.

No doubt Seth felt guilty for making a move on a girl they clearly both liked. But Linc wasn’t angry with him. In fact, he was surprised to feel no jealousy whatsoever. He was impatient to get his own time with her, but he didn’t mind at all that Seth had gone out with her. What put him on edge was the fact that he had felt something like this once before. Years ago, when he was a younger, less jaded version of himself. He couldn’t go through that pain again. But then… trying to resist Gentry was pain itself.

Seth and Linc finished up their shooting range lesson and headed back to the department in Linc’s patrol car. They sipped coffee and made small talk, but Linc’s mind was far away. As he drove, he thought about the car accident that had changed the course of his life forever. How easily his life had gone from bliss to hell when he lost her. How quickly one’s world can get flipped upside down. Linc had always been the type to take his time. After Tara died, he slowed down even more. He was so cautious, so resistant to change, even the good kind. But now, he thought that he could take a different lesson from that tragedy.

Life was short and never guaranteed. Why waste time when he knew what he wanted?

And what he wanted was Gentry.

They pulled up to the department and got out. As they walked to the entrance, Seth finally broke their mutual silence and said, “We can talk about her if you want.”

Linc knew what he was getting at, but he ignored his question. Luckily, when they got inside, there was enough chaos going on to distract them both.

The lieutenant was hovering by the front desk where Maria, the secretary, was scribbling down notes and trying to calm down somebody over the phone. “Ma’am, please. Slow down if you can. I’m trying to—”

She pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, then looked up. Her eyes went wide at the sight of Seth and Linc. Lieutenant Pearce waved them over.

“I understand, but I need some details, okay? Are you okay? Has anyone been hurt? Not yet? Okay, good. Who is that in the background?” Maria was asking. “That’s him?”

“What is it?” Seth mouthed at her.

She covered the receiver and quickly hissed, “Altercation at Miami Blues.”