Page 19 of Lawless

He saw that the bikers were watching. The big one got up from his chair, and Brad let go of Simone’s wrist. “You and your sleazy boyfriends have a good laugh at my expense last night?”

“What are you talking about? I left here alone, Brad.”

“Yeah, but—”

“Anything else is none of your business.”

“I think those goddamn bikers took me home and were in my house.”

“I have no idea how you got home.”

“I bet you told them to take me home and then to come over to your place.”

“You have quite an imagination. I don’t know who took you home. Rafe said something about calling you a taxi.”

“I don’t think that’s what happened.”

“Well, whatever did, it had nothing to do with me. I went home to take care of my little sister.”

He wondered how she could look him in the eye and lie like that. And to think he’d once liked her. “Sure.”

Simone straightened, then turned and walked to the bar. Brad watched the bikers go over and huddle with Sam for a moment, wanting something. He seemed upset. Well, good. Damn good. Let that asshole be upset for a while.

Every time Maxstared at Brad, a darkness crawled over his skin that made his hackles rise. “That man is a complete tool,” he told Sam. “He’s going to hurt someone. Didn’t you see him grabbing your waitress? The same waitress he tried to drug. Are you going to put up with that kind of crap in your bar?”

“He let her go,” Sam said. “I think Simone can survive it.”

“He only let go because he saw I was about to walk over and rip his arm from his shoulder.”

Rafe nodded, nudging his shoulder in support. “And the real point is that she shouldn’t have to put up with it.”

Simone was walking by their table, and Sam looked at her. “Can you handle his shit, Simone?”

“He’s not a problem yet, Sam. I’d prefer he left, but I’ll serve him.” She put her hand on Sam’s arm. “However, if he tries anything like that again, I’ll deck him. Got that?”

Sam grinned. “I would enjoy seeing that.”

As Simone went back to waiting tables, Sam smiled at Rafe and then Max. “See?”

Max growled, frustrated that Sam wouldn’t just cut off Brad. “It’s asking for trouble. The man’s a powder keg.”

“The woman can take care of herself, dude. Don’t get too noble in a bar—it ain’t really the place for it.”

Dissatisfied, Max went back to his table with Rafe following behind. He’d keep an eye on things, but in the meantime, he wanted to clear his head. “Fucker.”

“He really is. Brad’s barely gotten what he deserves,” said Rafe.

Max nodded. “I meant Sam, though. I thought he was a decent guy, but he’ll pick money over the safety of his waitress. Fucker,” he said again.

“I guess he has to keep the business running.” Rafe shrugged, but he looked unhappy too.

When Simone came to check on them, Max decided it was a good time to sound her out on any possibility that she’d go out with them. It would keep him from thinking about Brad. “We’d like to see you sometime and spend some time together away from here,” he told her.

“Really? I’m not so sure that would be a good idea.”

He frowned. “Why not? I like the little I know about you, and I’d like to get to know you better.”

“So would I,” said Rafe.