Page 48 of Lawless

When the kiss ended, she panted for a moment. “I want you both so much.” She flushed as she looked down, pulling away from them. She was aware of their gazes following her as she paced for a moment. “I guess I should tell you both…” She trailed off, losing her nerve as she looked up.

“Tell us what?” coaxed Max.

“You can say anything without being judged,” said Rafe.

She licked her lips, which made them both groan. “It’s been a fantasy of mine for… a long time to have two guys making me the focus of their attention.” It was too coy to express her true desires, but she still felt inhibited.

They traded a glance. “You mean sexually?” asked Rafe after a moment.

At her nod, he frowned, which made her heart skip a beat. She frowned. “I thought that’s what you both wanted?”

“It is, but…” Max sighed. “We wanted more than just sex.”

Rafe looked nonplussed. “I gotta admit, I’m not sure I’m okay with just being something you cross off your bucket list.”

Simone frowned. “You aren’t. Neither of you. I’m telling you the concept of my fantasy, but that was different from reality. It was all vague and imagined, but since meeting you guys, my fantasy has become much more detailed.” She didn’t look away as she met their gazes. “I’m fantasizing about you.”

“Just for sex, though.” Rafe sounded disappointed.

“No… well, maybe in the beginning.” Simone sighed. “I can’t deny that was part of the attraction, but that was when you were a conceptual unit, and I didn’t really know you. I’m trying to tell you I want you, but I want more than just sex.” She looked at Max. “With both of you. I don’t know how that works, but it’s what I want.”

The men traded a glance. “We know a couple of successful triads,” said Max.

“It can work if we all work for it,” said Rafe.

She put up a hand. “I’m not saying we’ll end up married or something, but I want to give this… thing a try… with both of you. I just thought we should talk about that upfront.”

Rafe and Max nodded in unison.

She took a deep breath. “So, that’s okay?” At another nod from each, she exhaled. “I guess I’ll go check on Gemma and maybe get more comfortable.” She hesitated. “You will stay? Both of you?”

Rafe nodded quickly, and Max just a millisecond after him.

She let out another breath she hadn’t realized she was holding and darted from the living room. She wanted to check on Gemma, but she also needed a moment to compose herself because she was sure her fantasy would be fulfilled tonight. She was positive it wouldn’t fall flat either. She had a feeling the reality of them making love to her would blow away any fantasy she’d ever had.

It had beena long time since Simone had been with a man, and she’d never been with two. For much of that time, she’d put sex out of her mind. She had responsibilities, and men were complications she couldn’t afford. But Rafe and Max were solutions to problems. And incredibly sexy. Best of all, they wanted her. She felt that in their touch, heard it in their voices, saw it in their eyes.

It was more than lust, but the lust was there too, and that made Simone’s entire being grow warm with desire.

They had touched her, two sets of hands running over her body through her clothing, but she’d still felt the heat. She rushed through helping Gemma with math and wished her sister goodnight. She took a few minutes in her room to change into something comfy and somewhat sexy, though the nightie wasn’t too blatant. She didn’t really own any sexy lingerie anyway. It was outside her budget.

She waited until the light went out in Gemma’s room before walking downstairs. She took a deep breath before entering the living room and extending her hands. Each man took one. “I wasn’t sure I’d survive waiting,” said Rafe.

She laughed and led them quietly up the stairs and into the darkness of her bedroom. As the door swung shut, Max took her in his powerful arms and kissed her. He pressed her back against the wall and nuzzled her neck as his hands roamed her body, burning her thighs as he lifted her nightie and tugged at her panties, sliding his hand inside, down over her bare ass.

She gasped when Rafe knelt beside them, putting one hand on her bare bottom and the other on her stomach as his teeth nuzzled her hip. She went limp under the sudden combination of sensations, and Max easily caught her.

He swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed, and Rafe followed. When she lay down, Rafe moved her legs apart and knelt between them.

He pulled her panties down to her knees and off over her feet. Holding her nightie up at her waist, he lifted her leg, putting it on his shoulder as she felt his hot breath on her thigh, then on the lips of her pussy. His wet tongue touched her, running the length of her slit, and she put her hands on his head. Her own head rocked back against the wall as he tasted her, running his tongue through her tender pink flesh.

She heard clothes rustling and turned her head to see Max getting undressed. She smiled her approval as he revealed his taut, muscular form. He was even more impressive without the biker clothes, and she held out a hand, wiggling her fingers for him to rejoin her when he’d stripped.

He came closer, grasping his cock in his hand. She expected him to bring it to her mouth, but instead, he bent awkwardly and started kissing her intently. She moaned as his tongue surged inside her mouth, mimicking the motions of Rafe’s inside her pussy.

The men were devouring her, tongues flicking from side to side. Then Rafe’s fingers spread her open, and his tongue brushed over the hard nub of her clit as Max sucked firmly on her tongue. She gasped. As they teased and sucked, Rafe’s long, powerful fingers filled her pussy while she moaned at the way he aroused her, made her head spin. She felt the tremors pick up tempo. She was losing control of her body. They’d taken her over and made her body dance to the tune they played. They held her by her desire, and her very nerve endings were at their command.

With a deep, harsh exhalation, Max broke the kiss. She opened her mouth, begging without words for him to fill it. With a low groan, he brought his hard cock to her mouth, pressing the head against her lips. It was a snug fit, and her jaw ached for a moment as she struggled to take his girth, but she persisted.