Page 33 of Lawless

“I couldn’t agree more.” They clinked their paper cups together in a toast before he told her more about Dozer, who’d brought him into the Kings, and meeting Rafe. When he said they’d clicked instantly, at least after resolving their card game difference, she could see that about them. “I guess it was a case of opposites attracting.”

Rafe laughed. “I’m damned attractive, so I can see why Max finds me irresistible, but I’m not attracted to him.”

Max growled at him but shook his head. “Ignore Rafe. He’s incapable of being serious.”

“I can be serious. I’m just not the silent, stoic type like you, man.” Rafe sounded outraged by the accusation, and they spent the next ten minutes play-squabbling and leaving her laughing more than once at their antics.

Simone suspected it was all by design. Not to manipulate her into liking them but to lighten her mood and leave her feeling refreshed and free, at least for the time being. Unfortunately, responsibility was beckoning, and after lunch, she reluctantly reminded the men she needed to get home. “It’s been such a fantastic day.”

“Does it have to end?” asked Max.

“I need to spend some time with Gemma… be that stable force I cried on your shoulders about.”

Rafe smiled. “I wish you would cry on my shoulder. I have two sturdy ones—and they are guaranteed waterproof. I’m not fragile like Max.”

She laughed, struck anew by how much bigger Max was than Rafe, though Rafe’s personality and calm assurance often left her forgetting he was technically the smaller of the two—though not small by any means. “How convenient.”

“I’d ensure they were… convenient.”

She touched Rafe’s cheek. “Don’t rush—please.”

Max grunted, and it was difficult to tell what he meant by the sound.

Rafe looked reluctant. “Things have moved fast for us too, but as far as I’m concerned, they’re going in the right direction.” Max nodded in agreement.

Rafe claimed her for the ride home, which gave her a dangerous opportunity to think, to fantasize about having Rafe and Max around and about what it might be like to have both of them make love to her. The vibrations of their journey, Rafe’s nearness, and the memory of riding with Max earlier fed those thoughts. She’d never known men like them, never thought she’d be attracted to such men, but she was, she knew she was, and powerfully. All that remained was to lower her barriers and let them in.

The idea thrilled and terrified her. It seemed that so many things around these men combined her fantasies and her fears in a single, explosive packet. That couldn’t be right, but then she’d never been touched so strongly by someone outside of her own world before. Maybe when you pushed the envelope, gambled on something greater than you’d ever thought you’d have a chance at, it was exactly like that.

Come to think of it, riding on Rafe’s bike filled her with those same glorious feelings. The strange thing was that the fears, the most terrifying thoughts, were also absurdly exciting.

These guys were bikers, and on her doorstep, she learned they might be gifted mind readers. When she unlocked the door and faced Rafe, this time he kissed her. It was a passionate kiss, yet she knew he was holding something back. He pressed her to his body as he kissed her, and the passion rippled through her, making her ache with desire.

Then he stopped and stepped back. He and Max exchanged a glance, obviously full of silent communication, and Max eased forward.

He stood in front of her, not moving, and it was clear he was leaving it up to her if she wanted to kiss him as she’d kissed Rafe. Simone licked her lips, but even as her mind tried to talk her out of it, her body swayed forward.

That was all it took. Max closed the distance between them and covered her mouth with his, and his arms pulled her close. She nestled against him, softening her lips as he kissed her soundly. Her body, already worked up from kissing Rafe, felt on the verge of exploding with need. It was so sharp that she whimpered when he pulled back.

“Thanks,” said Max.

She had been about to invite them in, knowing the danger, the very real possibility she would tear their clothes off and lead them to her bedroom. “I…”

“You’re unsure. You want to know, especially with two of us. That’s fair. You need time. Hell, maybe we need time too.”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

Rafe spoke up. “Neither of us has ever shared a woman before, just like neither of us has ever cared about the same woman this way. It’s an adjustment for all of us, but I think we both understand the biggest adjustment will be for you. I hate it, but I understand.”

“Me too,” said Max.

“Oh.” She wasn’t sure if she was disappointed or relieved as she watched them walk to their bikes, start the engines, and ride away with Rafe slightly edging into the lead. She was trembling, and her knees wobbled as she collapsed against her closed door, watching them leave until she couldn’t see them anymore before going inside.

Once in her house, she wondered if she’d done the right thing by not pushing them to stay. If she’d insisted she was ready, would they have yielded? Were their words about needing time to adjust as well just to make her feel better, or were they genuine?

From what she knew of them, she had no reason to doubt they were being truthful. Still, she couldn’t help imagining how the afternoon might have progressed if she’d been brave enough to push a bit and invite them in. She doubted they would have resisted or refused, and she would have had a lot more fun with them than she did as she worked out her frustrations on cleaning first the bathroom and then the kitchen.

Later in the afternoon, her own horn honked. She stopped cleaning and went outside to retrieve her keys from Clutch, who spoke for a moment before hopping on the back of a bike belonging to a guy he introduced as Jett before correcting it to Romeo. They mentioned Tessa waiting for them, so she waved at them.