Page 22 of Lawless

Max hadn’t noticed that the man had moved beside him to watch. “She’s damn good, too. Got herself a black belt in some fucking kind of karate. She works out several times a week.” They watched her drain the bottle of water. “Apparently, kicking ass is thirsty work.”

“I understood that she lives a busy and fulfilled life,” Rafe said. “She told me that.”

Now Max knew something more, and he liked what he was learning as much as what he already knew. Regular training explained why she was so fit and confident. In the scheme of things, that was yet another attraction for a man like him or Rafe. Now all they needed was to find a way to attract her.

Sam went over and poked Brad with his toe. “You mind tossing him in the parking lot while I close his tab and collect his stuff?”


“I don’t like playing lost and found, so this time we can put that fucking computer in the trunk of his car so it don’t get stolen.”

“Fair enough.”

Simone stood at the bar watching as Max and Rafe scooped up Brad and dragged him between them out the door. Sam followed with the laptop. In the parking lot, Sam fished Brad’s keys out of his pocket and opened the trunk.

When they walked up with the unconscious man, Max looked into the trunk. It was big. “Can I put him in the trunk, and the computer in the front seat?” Rafe asked.

Max chuckled at the suggestion.

Sam grinned before shaking his head. “That would be amusing but would probably mean trouble we don’t want.”

“I suppose.” Sam opened the front door, and Max put him inside after Rafe stepped back, slumping him over the wheel. As they moved back to the trunk, Sam put the computer down. “Wait a minute,” Rafe said as he picked up the computer and opened it. “Sucker’s still on. Brad didn’t even log off.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means he invited me to snoop.”

Sam sighed. “Will this take long?”

Rafe smiled at Sam, pulled a memory stick out of his pocket and plugged it in. “About two minutes,” he said. “I have a little program on this that will download anything really interesting.”

Max eyed it uncertainly for a moment. He was curious about what Brad did, but he wasn’t sure this was the best idea. Still, Rafe was his mentor, so he didn’t lodge a protest.

“None of what you’re saying means shit to me, but I figure that if he didn’t want folks messing with it, he shouldn’t have left the sonofabitch turned on. I don’t even think much of people bringing those things in my bar.”

“My sentiments exactly. Who brings a computer to a bar? You go to a bar and drink,” said Max.

When the program finished, Rafe closed the computer, put it in the trunk and shut it. Then they put the keys back in Brad’s pocket.

Sam stepped back and closed the door. “This boy’s had two really bad days in a row. He’s gonna be in a foul mood.”

Rafe turned toward the door. “It is becoming kind of a habit. Let’s go have a chat about that.”

Sam frowned.

“With me buying us all a drink,” said Max hastily.

Sam smiled. “Seeing as it will be a civilized conversation… I guess I can make time in my busy schedule, in between dealing with drunks and random bar fights. I’m thinking of promoting Simone to bouncer.”

“You’d get in trouble for brandishing a lethal weapon.” Rafe chuckled, clearly proud of her and amused. Max could relate to that feeling. He’d never been so proud of someone as when she knocked Brad on his ass.

“I guess so.” Sam sounded unconcerned about that.

Back inside the bar,Rafe, Max, and Sam sat down at a table. “Odds are that when he wakes up, he’ll come back in here looking for his computer and some trouble.” Rafe was worried about the trouble Brad could cause, especially if Simone wasn’t there.

Sam nodded. “Probably in that order. He does love those computers.”

Max nodded. “What will you do?”