Page 13 of Lawless

That sounded odd, and she guessed they had their own programmers, but why contradict him? She didn’t care what he did, but keeping him focused on computers kept the subject matter impersonal. When Trudy came over to get their order, Brad surprised her by ordering her a whisky.

She started to protest, but it sounded good. “I could use a stiff drink.” A flicker of something crossed Brad’s face as if he’d been angling for something, trying to set up a situation and seeing things fall into place.

Over the years, Simone had learned her martial arts training was useful for sensing shifts like that. Subtle clues could warn of incoming storms. As Trudy left to get the drinks, an idea came to her—a thought about what sort of game a guy like Brad might be trying to pull off, and she had no doubt now that he intended pulling something on her.

She assumed he didn’t really want to apologize to her. So far, she’d seen nothing like one. And assumed instead he was like a lot of pompous fools and wanted to teach her a lesson. What would he do? The thought made her uneasy, but at least she saw something coming and could prepare herself.

The drinks came, and as Trudy held out the tray, Brad reached out with both hands, taking a drink in each hand and handing her one. As he let go of her glass, his hand brushed over the top of it. It seemed a curious gesture. All of it was curious actually… him taking her drink from Trudy that way when it would have been easier to let the woman put them on the table… him ordering for her when he had no idea what she might like… the idea that a drink at Sam’s was a good scenario for making up for rudeness. And now there was that unnecessary brush of his hand over the top of her glass.

She put the glass on the table, then sat back and stared at it for a moment. When she looked up, Brad was watching her, and Rafe was grinning at her from the next table, while Max looked pissed. He’d seen something. But what? She wrapped her fingers around the glass and moved it a couple of inches, then gave him a questioning glance. He nodded.

Brad saw that she was looking past him. His face turned black. He put his glass down and turned to face Rafe and Max. “What the fuck do you want?”

In the instant he faced away from her, Simone grabbed the glasses and quickly switched them.

Rafe held up his beer. “I just wanted to propose a toast, Brad. To letting bygones be whatever the fuck they become.”

Max grunted, still looking angry. He didn’t lift his beer. Like that, he was more than a little intimidating, but she felt no fear.

Simone picked up the glass in front of her, the one that had been his, and nudged her glass toward him. “Don’t be a jerk, Brad. The man is proposing a silly toast. Show some good spirit and drink up.”

Seeing her glass in her hand, Brad smiled. “Sure. Why not?” He picked up his glass and raised it, moving his gaze back to Rafe. “May we all get what we deserve.”

“Hear, hear,” Rafe said. And they all drank. Simone thought that Sam’s whisky tasted particularly good, even though she knew it was just the house bottle of generic whisky and nothing special. Brad drank his down with relish.

Now we see what happens. We find out if I’m paranoid.

Rafe smiledwhen he saw Simone switch glasses. He’d been pretty sure she’d spotted Brad’s clumsy attempt to put something in her drink, and he’d held back Max when he’d been about to intercede. Simone was a smart woman and didn’t hesitate when he gave her a distraction. She’d realized that swapping the glasses wouldn’t hurt a thing—unless they were right that he’d slipped something in hers.

GHB, I’ll bet—the popular date-rape drug they call “easy lay.”It worked fast. If it were GHB, they’d know within fifteen minutes.

The toast over, Brad turned his back to them, focusing on Simone. It had been amusing to note the smug expression that came over the jerk’s face as he watched Simone drink her shot. Mission accomplished, it said. Now he was so pleased with himself that he called to Trudy, ordering another round and even telling her to bring Rafe and Max a beer.

After what he’d seen, Rafe was happy to accept the beer. And watch. Max grunted and slid his away, making a silent point.

By the time the drinks arrived, Brad already looked a little loopy and had started acting disoriented. Trudy put the drink in front of him and watched him sway in his seat. “How many drinks has he had?” Trudy asked Simone.

Simone smiled and shrugged. “I wasn’t paying that much attention. No more than normal for him.” She stared at him. “With that wobble, though, I’d say even Sam will want you to cut him off with this one.”

Sure enough, Brad was acting very drunk and getting worse. He was barely managing to stay in his chair. Rafe got out his cell phone and made a call.

“What’s that about?” Simone asked, nodding at his phone.

“I called Brad a taxi. He’s in no condition to drive.”

“Or walk.”

Rafe stood. “Can we see you home, Simone? Seems like your date is over.”

She laughed. “My date? It does seem that way, doesn’t it? But I think I can see myself home. You’d have a hell of a time getting a cab back here from my neighborhood this time of night. I will say that I appreciate you calling for… assistance, however.”

Rafe bowed. “My pleasure.”

Max grunted, shaking his head when he looked at Brad. “Miserable piece of shit.”

Sam came over. “I see someone went nightie night.”

“I’d better go now,” Simone said. Brad was slumping down on the table. “Sam, when he comes in tomorrow, can you explain that I had a drink with him as he asked, and then I left?”