Page 50 of Her Dirty Cowboys

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I’d never been much of a breakfast guy, but today was special. And even though my skills in the kitchen weren’t nearly as great as my skills on a grill or smoker, I had to admit I was pretty impressed with the omelets, bacon, and hash browns that I’d managed to whip up by the time Daisy Lynn and Cole made it out of bed.

It probably helped that I’d been awake since four in the morning, deliriously smiling like a fool as I replayed our middle-of-the-night conversation in my head.

“You’re awfully chipper this morning,” Cole said, rubbing his eyes and tossing me a half grin as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

“I’ve got plenty of reasons to be happy,” I answered before walking over to give Daisy Lynn a good-morning kiss. “Coffee, babe?”

“Orange juice, maybe?” she asked, trying and failing to stifle a yawn.

“Coming right up.” I nodded toward the table. “You can both just have a seat if you want, and I’ll have breakfast ready in just a few minutes.”

Daisy Lynn smiled sweetly, and Cole looked at me like I’d been body-snatched by aliens.

“This has to be because of you,” Cole said, still giving me a healthy dose of side-eye as he turned to Daisy Lynn. “I’ve known him for ten years and haven’t ever seen this side of him.”

“You won’t ever see it again if you keep it up,” I shot back, then added, “And of course it’s because of our girl. We’ve gotta keep her happy before she realizes we’re just a couple of dumbasses who don’t deserve her.”

They both laughed. “I’m pretty sure we deserve each other,” Daisy Lynn said. “In fact, I know we do. And the reason I know it’s true is because I don’t fall in love with just any ol’ dumbasses.”

Now it was my turn to laugh as I carried over the plates and serving dishes heaped with more food than we could possibly eat in a single sitting. “Fair enough. Hope you’re both hungry.”

“Can’t argue with that logic,” Cole said. “And Jesus, Prescott. Were you expecting a couple dozen guests for breakfast?”

“Just my best friend and my best girl,” I said, shrugging. “I, uh… might have gotten a little carried away. My mind was on other things.”

Daisy Lynn arched a perfectly manicured eyebrow, her bright eyes twinkling in the morning light. “Such as?”

“Such as the fact that I love you and I want to figure out how we can make this work.”

“I’ll drink to that,” Cole said, raising his coffee mug. “Let’s figure this shit out right now.”

“Okay, let’s start with…” Daisy Lynn looked thoughtful as she paused for a bite. “Oh, wow. That’s delicious. So, let’s start with living arrangements, maybe? I don’t really mind going back and forth between houses for a while, but… if I’m going to be driving back and forth from my apartment in the city, I’d like to at least be able to leave a few things here.”

I frowned. It was perfectly reasonable for her to want some things here, of course. But honestly? I didn’t love the idea of her on the road every weekend by herself, driving between places. Especially once the winter months rolled around.

“You can always feel free to leave whatever you’d like behind if it’ll make things easier for you,” I said. “But…”

I looked across the table at Cole, wondering if he was thinking the same thing I was.


He gave me a subtle nod.

“But?” Daisy Lynn asked, looking a little confused as she glanced back and forth between us.

I took a deep breath. I didn’t know how she’d react to what I was about to say. Would it be too much? Too soon? Too pushy?



But I still had to ask.

“I think Cole and I were hoping you’d, ah… want to stay here? I mean, I know it’s probably too soon to even ask, but—”

“Really?” Daisy Lynn’s eyes went wide as she looked from me to Cole and back again. “That’s really what both of you want?”