Page 46 of Her Dirty Cowboys

I rolled my eyes but then stopped when I saw the way Cole and Prescott were both looking at me. Janessa must have noticed it, too, because she snorted out another laugh.

“Oh, my God. I wasjoking.” She threw her hands in the air, then nodded toward Becca. “Come on, let’s give these love birds some privacy.”

“Wait.” I walked over to Janessa and lowered my voice. “Do you mind? If I stay for a while, I mean. I was really looking forward to some girl time today, but…”

“No, I get it,” Janessa said. “We’ll have girl time later. Go get your guys.”

Becca nodded. “Girl time can wait—but just this once.”

I hugged both of them and waved goodbye. “Thanks. You two are the best.”

“We know,” Janessa said with a wave. “Now go have some fun.”

I was smiling as I rejoined Cole and Prescott. “I just wish I could split myself in half so I could be everywhere at once.”

“You don’t have to stay with us,” Prescott said. “Seriously. We’ll understand if you want to spend some time with your friends. We’re grown. We can handle it.” He looked over at Cole, who was already frowning at Prescott’s words. “Well, one of us is grown, at least.”

“No, he’s right…” Cole reached out and took me into his arms. “I don’t want to be selfish. It’s important that you spend time with your friends while you’re in town.”

“It is,” I agreed. “And I will.” I gave him a quick kiss and then pulled Prescott in for another one of those group hugs that were one of my new favorite things. “But not today. Today, I’m spending time with my guys.”

“Perfect,” Prescott said as Cole kissed me again.

Yeah, that summed up my thoughts on the matter, too. Cole, Prescott, and I were together again.

And it wasperfect.

Chapter 16

Daisy Lynn

It had taken almost all my willpower to try and stay out of the way while Prescott and Cole finished their shift at the police station. I’d spent all of my teenage years and my adult life up to this point avoiding the police whenever possible, but things were different now. I was actually dating a sheriffanda deputy.

And I had so many questions.

Like… did they arrest people very often? What was the worst crime they’d seen in Bliss? Did they ever have to shoot their guns? Had they ever been shotat?

I kept those questions—and at least a dozen more—to myself for the most part, though. Which was probably for the best, since I wasn’t sure I actually wanted to know the answers to some of those questions.

Thankfully, the residents of Bliss all decided to obey the laws that day, and we were able to leave the station on time.


Which was also really nice. I was starting to get spoiled by spending so much time with both of them. And knowing that we were all going to be spending another night together in the same bed had me smiling all the way back to Cole’s house.

“I never get tired of seeing that beautiful smile,” Cole said with a smirk as he unlocked his front door and ushered Prescott and me inside. “Makes me want to stop everything just to kiss you.”

My smile grew even wider. “I wouldn’t stop you…”

“That sounds like an invitation,” Prescott said, stopping in the living room to wait as Cole and I moved toward the couch. “If you don’t take her up on it, Cole, I’m going to.”

I laughed as Cole put his arms around me and gently lowered me onto the couch, kissing a trail from my neck to my jaw. “I think by now it’s safe to make it a standing invitation—you can both feel free to kiss me whenever and wherever the urge strikes.”

Cole’s hot breath hit my neck. “Anywhere, hmm?”

Prescott moved between my legs and began unbuttoning my jeans. “I heard whenever and wherever. Andthatis an invitation I’ll never pass up—especially when I get to choose where I place the kiss.”

I had actually meantanywhereas in… well, it didn’t matter, did it? Not when I had Cole’s rough stubble brushing against my cheek and Prescott pulling my jeans and panties down in one swift motion that left me completely exposed from the waist down.