Page 37 of Her Dirty Cowboys

“Almost there,” Prescott panted, pulling his cock from my lips and stroking himself as my head fell back and a loud moan escaped my lips.

“God, yes, please,” I whimpered, the words spilling from my mouth. “Need you… need both of you.”

I couldn’t even speak in complete sentences anymore, but it didn’t matter. They both already knew what I wanted, what I needed.

“Fuck, oh,fuck,” Cole cursed as his hips slammed against me. “I’m… coming…now.”

I felt his cock grow even thicker inside me as his orgasm overtook him, then felt the first hot jets spill out over my breasts as Prescott joined him.

It was too much. It was sensory overload. I was hot and shaking and felt like I might float off the bed as my own orgasm rushed through me.

My vision blurred and I cried out, reaching for my guys.

They were right there, though, moving to either side of me and pressing their bodies against mine as they held me.

“So beautiful,” Cole whispered.

“So good for us, baby,” Prescott added, kissing my cheek gently as I started to come down from my intense climax. “We’ve got you.”

“We’re not going to let you go.”

It was all I needed to hear. And I was right where I needed to be.

Chapter 13


The call from dispatch came in before I’d even finished my first cup of coffee. Hell, the sun had barely even come up over the horizon. But instead of our normal sleepy start to the day in Bliss, Cole and I were speeding down bumpy dirt roads to Nora Statler’s ranch.

“And you’re sure it wasn’t Nora that was injured?” Cole asked as we pulled up in front of the big house.

“Not unless dispatch was mistaken. But they specifically said ‘white male, late forties, early fifties.’ And how likely is it that someone would mistake Nora for a middle-aged man?”

“True,” Cole conceded. “I just wonder who it could be?”

I parked the patrol car and opened the door. “I guess we’re about to find out.”

Nora popped up just on the other side of a small compact car as soon as we stepped out of our vehicle. “Sheriff! Thank God! Over here, quickly!”

Cole and I ran over as she waved frantically. It was the first time I’d ever seen Nora without any makeup on, and her face was streaked with tears. In those slow-motion moments during an emergency call, the mind sometimes goes to absurd places. In that moment, I thought it must really have been some kind of crisis for the normally put-together Nora Statler to be outside her house like this.

And then I saw the blood on the ground.

We got to the other side of the car and Cole gently moved Nora out of the way while I knelt next to the victim. He was breathing, but just barely. His head was bleeding from a wound in the back, but that was the only visible injury I could see.

I’d done my cursory visual examination so quickly that it took me a moment to actually focus on the man’s face. Cole must have been doing the same thing from a distance because I heard him suck in a sharp breath behind me.

“Sheriff,” he whispered. “That’s—”

“Our acquaintance from the USGS,” I finished for him. “Isaac Bishop.”

“How did he get here?” Cole asked Nora while I used my radio to get an ETA on the ambulance. “Why was he outside your house at dawn?”

Nora instantly bristled at the question. “Excuse me? Is it against the law to have a friend over?” She turned to me, and her expression softened as her eyes filled with tears again. “Is he going to be okay, Prescott? Where is the damn ambulance?”

“They’ll be here any minute,” I said. “I just got off the radio with the paramedics. They’re going to get him stabilized and take him to the hospital.”

She heaved a ragged breath and clung to Cole’s arm even though she’d just been shooting daggers at him with her eyes moments before. “My poor Isaac,” she murmured. “I don’t even know how this happened. I had offered to walk him out, but he didn’t want to trouble me. It wouldn’t have been any trouble, though. He’s always so thoughtful like that, just a gentle soul.”