Page 33 of Her Dirty Cowboys

“Dinner in bed sounds pretty good to me,” Prescott said, then added, “As long as you feel like eating, sweetheart? If not, we can wait until you’ve had a little more rest.”

She shook her head and smiled. “No, I’m okay. I like that idea… eating dinner in bed with my guys. You’re both too good to me.”

“You’re too good for us,” Prescott said. “But we’re still yours for as long as you want us. We’re going to take it slow, okay? But I want to be with you, Daisy Lynn. We both want to.”

“That’s right, hon.” I nodded. My cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so wide, but I didn’t care. “We’re yours if you’ll have us.”

She looked over to Prescott and then shifted her gaze to me and mirrored my smile. “I’ll have both of you, then. We’ll make it work.”

I didn’t know how we’d make it work, and the details didn’t matter in that moment. All that mattered was that we were together and Daisy Lynn was happy.

That was enough for me.

* * *

It was late. I wasn’t even sure what time it was, but I knew I was exhausted.

Daisy Lynn had fallen asleep again almost immediately after we’d cleared our dinner dishes from the bed, and I’d finally convinced Prescott to go home and sleep in his own bed tonight since I knew he had to be tired of sleeping in a chair and Daisy Lynn didn’t need us to watch over her all night like she had at first.

And even though we’d all agreed to take our fledgling relationship to the next level, I wasn’t sure when or how that should happen. Which meant I was taking the guest bed tonight rather than cuddling up next to our girl in my bigger, more comfortable bed.

That was okay, though. I didn’t want to rush anything, and Prescott and I had both agreed that neither of us would make a move until we were sure she was ready.

I stood in my bedroom doorway and watched the rhythmic rise and fall of the covers around her sleeping body for another few seconds, then tore my eyes away so I could finally go take a shower and get myself ready for bed.

I walked down the hallway and stepped into the bathroom, already stripping out of my clothes before I’d even turned the water on. And once I was finally under the shower with the hot, steaming water hitting my sore muscles?

Fuck, it felt good.

Almost as good as it felt to hear Daisy Lynn call usher guys. Almost as good as it felt when she smiled up at me with those pretty rosebud lips.


Damn, my cock was already getting hard just thinking about her. She was so fucking sexy without even trying. Like tonight, when she was smiling and happy, holding our hands and showing off that delicious dinner she’d made… seeing her like that was sexier than anything I could think of.

Well… sexier thanmostthings I could think of.

When I imagined her down on her knees in front of me, just inches from my cock and smiling up at me with that look that was sweet and innocent and hot as hell at the same time…

And yeah, now I was really hard.


I reached down and absently stroked my cock, closing my eyes and leaning back against the tile wall of the shower as the water ran in rivulets down my body.

I could just imagine the warm, velvety feel of her mouth as she swallowed my cock, those sweet lips wrapped around my thick shaft.

My hips jerked at the thought and my cock throbbed in my hand. Yeah, my body was definitely on board with that idea.

A low moan escaped my throat as I imagined her bobbing up and down, up and down, faster and faster—fuck. I was already so close and so hard that my cock was aching for release.

I wanted to be with her. To be naked with her. To let my hands and my mouth explore her body. And I’d wait patiently—well, mostly patiently—for as long as it took.

Until then, I had my hand and this hot-as-hell fantasy.

Which, according to how hard my cock was and how tight my balls were, would push me over the edge in just a few more seconds.

I stroked myself faster, the sounds of fisting my slick cock and wet body seeming to echo in the small bathroom. I was trying to be as quiet as possible, knowing there was only a thin wall separating me from the room where Daisy Lynn was sleeping. That thought only made the situation seem hotter, though.