Page 31 of Her Dirty Cowboys

They both nodded but didn’t interrupt this time.

“And none of us could have anticipated everything else that has happened this week,” I continued.

More nods. This might have been the longest stretch they’d both gone without saying a single word. I appreciated the room to speak, but the complete silence almost made it harder to get the words out.

I had to keep going, though. I’d said too much to clam up and pretend like nothing was on my mind.

“I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop—I mean, I was technically stuck in bed the whole time—but I sort of overheard something you guys were talking about the other day.” I paused and watched as they exchanged a knowing look.

“Okay.” Cole was the first to speak. “I think I know the conversation you’re talking about. Was it about—”

“About me,” I finished, nodding. “Yeah, that one.”

“And how did that conversation make you feel?” Prescott asked.

“It made me feel good, honestly.” I paused again, trying to find the right words. But since the right words weren’t really coming at the moment, I was just going to have to use the less-than-perfect words that had already been crashing around in my head for hours. “I like the thought—the possibility, I mean—of having something more with both of you. But I know this… this situation… between the three of us was just supposed to be a trial run. So I guess what I’m saying is that I want to keep going, but I also know that I can’t go back to the way things were if this situation doesn’t work out. I can’t date the two of you separately. We’ve already been down that road, so… it’s all or nothing for me.”


I’d said it.

And now I wasn’t sure if I felt better or worse. I felt a little lightheaded, if I was being completely honest.

Prescott and Cole must have seen it on my face—or maybe it was the way I could feel myself start to sway in my chair. Whatever the reason, they were both by my side in an instant.

“Come on, beautiful,” Cole urged, gently lifting me as Prescott supported my other side. “Let’s get you back to the bed.”

“That’s right,” Prescott said, his voice low and sweet and also super sexy as his breath tickled my ear. “First, you rest. And then… the three of us need to talk.”

I wasn’t sure if that was good or bad, and his expression didn’t offer me any clues when I turned my head to look at him.

I let them lead me down the hallway toward the bedroom, leaning on my two guys as they supported me. Just the same way they’d been supporting me all week.

They’d been on point with my care, and they were right this time, too. I needed to rest.

I just hoped they weren’t trying to make me comfortable so they could let me down easily. But they hadn’t let me down so far. Not even once.

Please don’t let this be the first time.

Chapter 11


I’ve never been a complicated man. I’ve tried to live my life as simply as possible, and I’ve never liked it when my simple life got complicated.

Lately, though, I seemed to be begging for complications.

It started when I tried to get Daisy Lynn to myself before Prescott even had a chance to talk to her. Now, barely a week later, I’ve insisted on both of them staying here at my house with me.

There were never any promises that things would develop past the casual dating stage with Daisy Lynn—and the topic of dating was put completely on the back burner while we helped her recover, of course.

But now she’d brought it up again. She’d told us she was interested in more. I should have been over the moon with happiness—and I was, for sure—but there were also some lingering doubts.

Because she didn’t just want me. She wanted both of us. All or nothing.

And I could already see the tug of war going on in Prescott’s head. I knew how hard his divorce was on him and how reluctant he was to open his heart back up to any woman.

Daisy Lynn was different, though. She wasn’t like any other woman we’d ever met. And not just because she was fucking gorgeous, though that was obviously the first thing that had drawn our attention to her. That fiery red hair, those long legs, those tight-fitting jeans she loved to wear and tease us with…