Page 27 of Her Dirty Cowboys

I didn’t really question why he wanted me there or why he insisted on taking care of me, but I very clearly remembered telling Janessa that I wanted to spend at least a few days with my guys.

No offense to my girls, of course. Janessa understood, though. If anyone knew how I was feeling about Cole and Prescott, it was her. And Becca might be super protective, but I knew she just wanted me to be happy.

Which I was, during the short but sweet moments when I had actually been awake over the past however many hours since I’d been out of the hospital.

Like now, when I opened my eyes and found myself in Cole’s bed with both of my guys napping in chairs nearby. It was just my luck that they would both be asleep while I was awake, but I was pretty sure they hadn’t actually slept much since the accident. They’d been too busy taking care of me, right by my side the whole time.

I closed my eyes again, already starting to drift back off to sleep. This was definitely not how I’d imagined ending up in Cole’s bed for the first time.

And if I had my way, I’d have him and Prescott both here in bed with me, all three of our bodies pressed together under the covers.


I knew I must already be dreaming because I could actually imagine the heat radiating from their bodies. Just like I could imagine their hands skimming down my sides, over my hips and thighs until they were both spreading my legs wide between them.

I was still conscious enough to know that a tiny moan had escaped my lips, but I was just far enough into my dream that I didn’t care. I might not have been able to move much in my current state—and definitely wouldn’t trust my arms and legs to function properly with all of these painkillers coursing through my system.

But there was one part of me that was still very awake and very needy—that most sensitive spot between my legs that I could imagine them taking turns touching and teasing until my whole body started to tremble.

“More,” I whispered, not knowing or caring whether it was still part of the dream or if I’d actually said the words out loud. “Please… need it…”

A finger dipped inside. My finger? One of their fingers?

Didn’t matter.

All I knew for sure was that it brought me that much closer to the release that was already welling up inside me, already threatening to overtake me.





I did my best to raise my hips as another finger slid inside, filling me, stretching me, slowly moving in and out just the way I liked it. Just the way I needed it.

And then I could feel it happening. Starting at my toes and working its way up, the pressure building until an explosion of wet heat radiated from my core.

In my dream, my guys were holding me tight, kissing and rubbing and saying the sweetest things as I floated down from what had to have been the best orgasm of my life.

In my dream, my guys weren’t going to let go of me.

In my dream, just like when I was awake, they knew exactly what I needed.

Chapter 9


Ileaned back in the chair I’d been sitting in for God only knew how many hours already and closed my eyes. I wasn’t going to sleep—it wasn’t my turn, and I wouldn’t have been able to sleep anyway with my mind racing the way it had been ever since Daisy Lynn’s accident.

No, I’d let Cole and Daisy Lynn keep sleeping for now. They both needed it. I just wanted to rest my eyes for a few minutes.

The past day and a half had been such a blur. It honestly felt like an entire week had passed. Maybe even a month. So much had happened, it made the assault on Derek Winslow feel like a lifetime ago. Then there had been the poisoning out at Triple J. Then our all-day barbecue with Daisy Lynn.

And then the accident that had seemed to stop time completely.

My eyes opened and I instinctively looked over at Daisy Lynn, watching for the slight rise and fall of the blankets as she slept.