Page 24 of Her Dirty Cowboys

“We should do this again,” I said. “Really soon.”

“All you have to do is name the time and place, beautiful.” Cole winked. “We’ll be there.”

They helped me into the truck and then stood to the side waving as I backed out of the driveway. I blew them a kiss, still feeling a little floaty as I drove away.

I was really tempted to turn back around and stay just a little longer with them, but I knew that would only complicate things. This… relationship? Situation? Whatever it was, it was still new and fresh and fragile. Kissing and touching had been fun andveryhot, but more than that right now might be a mistake.

Still, it might be worth it. I definitely hadn’t ruled it out completely.

Between thinking about my guys and wrestling with the steering wheel, I was almost back to the Triple J Ranch before I knew it. At least the memory of those kisses had made the drive back a lot more tolerable—enjoyable, even—than the last time I’d sat behind the wheel.

I was scanning the tree line for the mostly hidden turn into Janessa’s long driveway when I saw the first glimpse of smoke. And then I smelled it—strong and acrid and burning my nostrils as I got closer to the driveway.

I could actually see the flames as I started to slow down. It looked like the whole pasture was on fire.Oh, my God. My only thought was making sure Janessa and Becca were okay as I turned my attention back to steering this monster of a truck toward the driveway.

Just as I was about to make the turn, something darted out from the side of the road, passing just in front of me. I gasped and turned the wheel hard to the right, my whole body coming up off the seat as the truck groaned and careened off the narrow road into the ditch.

It felt like the whole world slowed down. Someone was screaming. It might have been me. I saw the horizon trade places with the sky as pain exploded across my forehead.

And then… everything went dark.

Chapter 8

Daisy Lynn

Something was ringing.

My head?


I wasn’t sure.

Everything hurt. Especially my head. And my neck. I tried to open my eyes but couldn’t. Tried to move but couldn’t. I felt… stuck. Trapped.

I was somehow on my side and something was holding me—pinning me—in place. Where was I? I couldn’t think through the fog of the pain and the… smoke?

The ringing hadn’t stopped.What is it? My phone? Maybe my phone.

My eyelids were still too heavy to open. Impossibly heavy. Unnaturally heavy. Eyelids weren’t supposed to feel this way.

The pain was almost too much to take. It got worse whenever I tried to move.

I tried to take a deep breath but couldn’t. All I could smell was smoke.

Everything was getting fuzzy again. The pain was receding.


And fuzzy…

* * *

“Daisy Lynn…”

The voice sounded familiar, but so far away. Like it was calling to me from the end of a tunnel.

“We’re here, beautiful…”