Page 21 of Her Dirty Cowboys

“Of course,” Logan said, giving me one last spiteful look before ushering us toward the barn. “This way.”

I hung back a moment while everyone else started to follow him, then stepped up next to Daisy Lynn. “Are you okay?” I said, keeping my voice low.

She nodded. “I guess it all happened while Janessa and Becca were on their way to pick me up. Logan and Justin were already checking things out when we got back.”

Her face flushed as she spoke, and I felt a pang of guilt over how things had ended between us earlier. “Listen,” I said. “I’m sorry about… about everything.”

“That’s okay,” she whispered, but I knew she was lying. It wasn’t okay. Prescott and I had acted like idiots, and I didn’t blame Daisy Lynn at all for not wanting to see us again. I just hoped she would give us another chance.

“We want to make it up to you,” I said. “We want to apologize—but not here. This isn’t the time.” I looked over where everyone else was already inspecting the cattle. I had to get back to work but not before I got her to agree to at least hear us out. “Come talk to us tomorrow. We’ll have dinner at Prescott’s house. Just to talk, nothing more. You don’t have to, of course, but… I hope you will.”

She hesitated a moment but finally nodded. “Okay. I’ll come. But just to talk. And I’m leaving if there’s any weird tension.”

“Perfect.” I let myself smile for the first time all night. “I’ll see you at six.”

It wasn’t much, but it was more than I deserved. It was a chance to redeem myself.

I just hoped it would be enough.

Chapter 7

Daisy Lynn

Ihad to laugh as I bounced down the road to Prescott’s house in the old farm truck I’d borrowed from Janessa’s uncle. They had both offered to drive, to drop me off and come back later to pick me up whenever I was ready, but I insisted on driving myself this time.

I honestly wasn’t sure how long I’d be staying this evening, since that mostly depended on whether Cole and Prescott could get along. And besides, I felt like I’d inconvenienced Janessa enough over the past couple of days. I didn’t want her to start feeling like my personal taxi service.

But I might have reconsidered if I had known how rough the ride was going to be. First of all, it felt like I was driving a tank. Anoldtank. It creaked and groaned and bounced me up and down in the seat with every tiny bump I hit. By the time I pulled up into Prescott’s driveway I felt like I’d been on the roughest roller coaster ride of my life.

Prescott and Cole were both waiting on the front porch to greet me, and their eyes went wide as I flung open the door and barely avoided falling out onto the cement.

“Damn, Daisy Lynn,” Prescott said as they both rushed over to either side of me. “Are you okay?”

“You look like you’ve been through the spin cycle,” Cole added, gently taking my arm to steady me. “No offense, of course. You still look as beautiful as ever, but…”

“No, I get it,” I groaned, stretching a little as my legs stopped wobbling. “I’m fine. I just had to show that truck who’s the boss.”

What I left out was the part where the truck and I agreed that it was, in fact, still the boss.

But judging from the look they exchanged, I was guessing they already knew.

“I think maybe one of us should drop you off at the ranch when you’re ready to leave,” Prescott said, still giving me the same skeptical look he’d just exchanged with Cole. “Not saying you can’t take care of yourself or anything, but that’s an awfully big truck to drive if you’re not used to how it handles.”

“I’ll be fine,” I said, giving them both a dismissive wave. “I got here in one piece, didn’t I?”

One wobbly, very shaken piece, but still. Now that I knew what to expect from the ride home, I would be better prepared.

“You did,” Prescott admitted. “But the offer still stands if you decide to take me up on it.”

“I know something that will get you feeling better,” Cole said, a grin appearing on his face. He paused to look me up and down again, and I could feel my skin start to flush with heat at the thought of what he might suggest. Of all the possibilities racing through my mind of how they both might make me feel better, none of them were appropriate to do in broad daylight in the middle of Prescott’s driveway. “How about some of Prescott’s famous barbecue and fresh-squeezed lemonade?”

I blinked.


Was it bad that I was ready to forget all of my hesitations and my own good sense to try and jump into their arms when they were both trying to be on their best behavior?
