Page 3 of Her Dirty Cowboys

At least one of them.

That wasn’t too much to ask, was it?

Becca elbowed me in the side and I flinched away, sucking in a sharp breath to ask her what the hell that was all about when I realized everyone was looking at me. Oh, God. They’d all been talking, but I’d been so busy fantasizing about the officers that I hadn’t really been paying attention.

And now?

“I’m sorry,” I said, hoping a sweet smile would save the day as I looked up at the sheriff and then over to the deputy. “I was just, um…”Daydreaming.Fantasizing.Undressing both of you with my eyes.

“I know this is probably a traumatic time for all of you.” The sheriff gave me a concerned look. “It’s okay if you don’t remember much. Any details you could give us would be helpful, though.”

I looked over to Becca, but she was just staring blankly back at me. Great. No help there. What was he even talking about? What was I supposed to remember? Him? His deputy? There was no way I could have forgotten either of them, so that couldn’t be it.

“They weren’t here when the intruder came,” Janessa offered, saving me from myself and giving me a knowing eyeroll for good measure.

Hey, at least I could admit it—to my friends, anyway—when I was distracted by a hot guy. Or two hot guys, in this case.

“Oh, right, no…” I shook my head. “We just got here last night. Just bad timing, I guess.”

“Sounds like perfect timing to me,” the deputy quirked an eyebrow as he looked me up and down. “At least the two of you weren’t in any danger. Can’t ask for more than that.”

I could only nod. I could barely breathe. Everyone was still looking in my direction, but there was no way I could say anything else. I could actually feel the oxygen leaving my brain at the realization that these two hot guys had beenconcernedabout me. About us. Me and Becca. But alsome.

And okay, so maybe it was sort of their job to be concerned. But still… it definitely wasn’t their job to look me up and down like that. That look—first from the sheriff and then from his deputy—had been all pleasure, no business.

“Have you all met the guys who bought the old Foster ranch yet?” The sheriff turned his attention back to the other men and back to the conversation I’d been ignoring when we walked up.

Which was fine.

I didn’t know anything about the Foster ranch or this ranch or any other ranch. I didn’t know anything about intruders or horses being poisoned. I didn’t really know what the sheriff and his deputy were even doing here today.

And honestly?

I didn’t really care.

They were here. That was what mattered most. They were here and they were sexy.

And best of all?

I was pretty sure I’d just caught the deputy looking over at me again.

* * *

What a day.

We’d spent the morning drooling over the lawmen—okay, maybe I’d been the only one drooling. It had been enough to make me need a nap after they’d left the ranch, though.

Now it was the middle of the afternoon, and we’d just been dropped off in town by Janessa’s uncle after Janessa had ditched us for a hair appointment.

And since I wasn’t sure ifhair appointmentwas actually some sort of secret code for meeting up with her cowboy crushes, Becca and I had pretended like we totally knew where Janessa was and that we just hadn’t been interested in going to the salon with her.

It wasn’t easy keeping track of who knew what and what we should or shouldn’t say, but… girl code, right?

Whatever Janessa was doing—and whatever her feelings were—I trusted her to tell us when the time was right. Until then, Becca and I were going to do some shopping in the tiny little town of Bliss.

And okay, maybe ourshoppingwas really limited to western wear, bait and tackle, and hunting licenses, but we could work with that. Everyone looked a little sexier in a cowboy hat and boots, right?

That was what I was telling myself as I looked at my reflection in the full-length dressing room mirror. Yeah, the cowboy hat and boots were definitely worth keeping. The suede jacket with the fringe? Maybe not so much.